-sweet talklover's prattle-
"Every time I meet your gaze, I feel like a stowaway sneaking into the galaxy in your eyes, wanting to claim every star as mine.""你是不是藏着一片海?不然为什么每次你靠近,我都感觉自己快要溺死在你的温柔里。"
"Are you hiding an ocean? Because every time you’re near, I feel like I’m drowning in your tenderness.""你的声音就像一首藏着魔法的歌,明明只有短短几句,却能让我的心跳出整首交响曲。"
"Your voice is like a song with hidden magic; just a few words, and my heart plays an entire symphony.""我以为我对世界已经很了解,直到遇见你,我才发现,你是我未解的秘密,最想探索的奇迹。"
"I thought I understood the world, but after meeting you, I realized you’re the mystery I’ve yet to solve and the miracle I long to explore.""每次你靠近,我都像被点燃的烟火,心里炸出无数的光,却只想在你眼里燃烧。"
"Every time you come close, I feel like fireworks being ignited—exploding with countless lights, yet only wanting to burn in your eyes.""你像一颗糖,甜得让我戒不掉,但我愿意被你融化,变成你生命里的甜蜜。"
"You’re like candy—so sweet I can’t quit, but I’d gladly melt into your life and become your sweetness.""我从不信命运,直到遇见你,才发现原来所有的偶然,都是为了将我推向你。"
"I never believed in destiny until I met you, only to realize that every coincidence was pushing me toward you.""你的气息像是森林深处的风,每次拂过我,我的心就像落叶一样,忍不住跟着飘向你。"
"Your presence feels like the wind from a deep forest; every time it brushes past me, my heart becomes like a leaf, drifting toward you.""你知道吗?每当你笑的时候,我的心跳就像被输入了作弊代码,疯狂加速到停不下来。"
"Do you know? Every time you smile, my heartbeat feels like it’s been hacked, speeding up uncontrollably.""我一直以为我是自由的,直到你出现,才发现我的心早已被你绑架,甘愿永远不被释放。"
"I always thought I was free, until you appeared, and I realized my heart had been taken hostage—willingly, forever."
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