-sweet talklover's prattle-
"Do you know? Every time I get close to you, my heart feels like a string, gently plucked by you, playing a melody that belongs only to you.""你的气息像一场微风,轻轻掠过我的耳畔,却在我心里掀起狂风暴雨。"
"Your presence feels like a breeze brushing past my ear, but in my heart, it stirs up a storm.""你靠近的瞬间,我所有的防线都崩塌了,像一场甜蜜的侵略,让我毫无招架之力。"
"The moment you come close, all my defenses crumble, like a sweet invasion I have no way to resist.""你是我世界里的禁区,我偏偏甘愿一次次越界,只为感受你的温度。"
"You are the forbidden zone in my world, yet I willingly cross the line again and again, just to feel your warmth.""我本以为自己是一个冷静的人,直到遇见你,才发现我的理智在你面前根本不堪一击。"
"I thought I was a calm person, until I met you and realized my rationality doesn’t stand a chance against you.""你是我所有想象力的尽头,无论如何形容,都无法描绘你让我心跳的模样。"
"You are the limit of my imagination; no matter how I try to describe it, I can’t capture how you make my heart race.""每次看你,我的心都像偷吃了糖的孩子,甜得不知所措,却又忍不住想要更多。"
"Every time I look at you, my heart feels like a child sneaking candy—overwhelmed by the sweetness, yet craving more.""你是我心里的秘密,是我一碰就会沦陷的软肋,也是我永远不想隐藏的骄傲。"
"You are the secret in my heart, the weakness that makes me fall, and the pride I never want to hide.""如果爱是一场赌局,那我愿意把我的一切都押在你身上,因为你是我赢得全世界的唯一筹码。"
"If love is a gamble, I’d bet everything I have on you, because you are the only card that wins me the world.""你的存在像一场慢慢燃烧的火焰,灼烧我的灵魂,却让我甘愿沉沦在这炽热中。"
"Your presence feels like a slow-burning flame, scorching my soul, yet I willingly surrender to its heat."
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