-sweet talklover's prattle-
"Every time I get close to you, I feel like a matchstick, and you’re the fiery oxygen—one touch and I’m completely ablaze.""你的每一次靠近,都像一场风暴,席卷我所有的理智,让我甘愿沉溺在你的眼神里。"
"Every time you come closer, it feels like a storm sweeping away all my reason, leaving me willingly drowning in your gaze.""如果你是毒药,那我愿意饮下整杯;如果你是陷阱,那我愿意跳下深渊,因为爱你本身就是一场无法抗拒的冒险。"
"If you were poison, I’d drink the whole cup; if you were a trap, I’d dive into the abyss, because loving you is an irresistible adventure.""你是我心底的禁忌,就算明知道靠近会沦陷,我也愿意一次次飞蛾扑火。"
"You are the forbidden desire in my heart, and even knowing I’ll fall, I’d still choose to fly into your flame again and again.""你的笑容像月光一样,温柔得让我迷失方向,却又让我找到所有答案。"
"Your smile is like moonlight, gentle enough to make me lose my way, yet guiding me to every answer.""我不是诗人,但每次看见你,我的每一个呼吸都变成了一句情诗。"
"I’m not a poet, but every time I see you, every breath I take turns into a love poem.""我不是在想你,就是在奔向你的路上,心甘情愿被你牵引得毫无方向。"
"I’m either thinking about you or on my way to you, willingly lost in the pull of your gravity.""你的名字像一首咒语,每次念起,我的心跳都会不受控制地加速,像要冲破时间的束缚。"
"Your name feels like a spell; every time I say it, my heartbeat accelerates uncontrollably, as if breaking through the bounds of time.""如果你是海,我愿做漂泊的船,永远追随你的潮汐,迷失在你的深蓝里。"
"If you were the sea, I’d be a wandering ship, forever chasing your tides and losing myself in your deep blue.""爱你这件事,就像一场永不停歇的冒险,每一步都心惊肉跳,却甘愿跌入你的怀抱。"
"Loving you feels like an endless adventure, with every step thrilling and terrifying, yet I’m always ready to fall into your arms."
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