-sweet talklover's prattle-
"Your arrival feels like you stole the script of my life, because from that moment on, my story only wants to revolve around you.""我总说自己不怕黑,可是每当夜深人静,我才发现,只有你能驱散我心底的孤独。"
"I always say I’m not afraid of the dark, but in the quiet of the night, I realize only you can chase away the loneliness in my heart.""如果你是一本书,我愿意穷尽一生去读懂你,哪怕每一页都让我沉迷,无法自拔。"
"If you were a book, I’d spend my entire life reading you, even if every page leaves me utterly captivated.""我不是诗人,但每次看见你,我的心就开始写诗,每一句都藏着想拥抱你的冲动。"
"I’m not a poet, but every time I see you, my heart starts writing verses, each one hiding the urge to hold you.""每次和你对视,我都觉得自己像个小偷,因为你的眼睛里装满了我想偷的温柔。"
"Every time I look into your eyes, I feel like a thief, because they’re filled with the kind of tenderness I want to steal.""如果你的唇是毒药,那我甘愿被它蛊惑,哪怕中毒至深,也心甘情愿。"
"If your lips were poison, I’d willingly be enchanted by them, even if it meant being consumed entirely.""我不需要任何指南针,因为无论你在哪里,我的心都会不由自主地指向你。"
"I don’t need a compass, because no matter where you are, my heart instinctively points to you.""你的笑声像是藏着魔法,每次听见,我的灵魂都会忍不住向你靠近。"
"Your laughter feels like it’s laced with magic; every time I hear it, my soul can’t help but move closer to you.""如果你是一场梦,那我宁愿永远不醒,只为留住你带给我的每一丝悸动。"
"If you were a dream, I’d rather never wake up, just to hold onto every tremor of emotion you bring me.""我以为我已经见过世间所有的美好,直到你出现在我的世界,颠覆了我的认知。"
"I thought I had seen all the beauty in the world, until you entered my life and turned my perception upside down."
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