
文摘   情感   2024-12-26 19:00   江西  


-sweet talklover's prattle-

      • "你知道吗?每次你靠近,我都觉得空气变甜了,连呼吸都像是在偷尝你的温柔。"
        "Do you know? Every time you come closer, the air feels sweeter, and even breathing feels like I’m tasting your gentleness."

      • "你的声音就像一场绵绵的雨,每落下一滴,都在我心里泛起一圈圈涟漪。"
        "Your voice is like a gentle rain; every drop stirs ripples in my heart."

      • "我怀疑自己是个小偷,因为我每次见到你,都会忍不住把你的笑容藏进心里。"
        "I suspect I’m a thief, because every time I see you, I can’t help but steal your smile and hide it in my heart."

      • "你有没有发现?当你看着我的时候,时间会偷偷停下来,只为了让我多爱你一秒。"
        "Have you noticed? When you look at me, time secretly pauses, just so I can love you for one more second."

      • "我不是一个迷信的人,但每次你笑,我都觉得这是上天在对我施下的恩赐。"
        "I’m not a superstitious person, but every time you smile, I feel like it’s a blessing from above."

      • "我曾想过无数种浪漫的方式去爱一个人,但直到遇见你,我才知道,最浪漫的就是陪着你。"
        "I’ve imagined countless romantic ways to love someone, but it wasn’t until I met you that I realized the most romantic way is simply being with you."

      • "你知道吗?每次你不在,我都觉得整个世界像是在开玩笑,因为你才是我生活的主角。"
        "Do you know? Every time you’re not around, the whole world feels like a joke, because you’re the main character in my life."

      • "你的眼睛是不是藏着星星?每次看着你,我都觉得自己像在宇宙里迷了路。"
        "Are there stars hidden in your eyes? Because every time I look at you, I feel like I’m lost in the universe."

      • "我想成为你的影子,不只是跟着你走,而是融进你的每一道光里。"
        "I want to be your shadow, not just following you, but blending into every ray of your light."

      • "你就像一场梦,可我却再也不想醒来,因为现实里,只有你能让我如此心动。"
        "You’re like a dream, but I never want to wake up, because only you can make my heart race like this in reality."



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