
文摘   情感   2024-12-25 19:00   江西  


-sweet talklover's prattle-

      • "你知道我有多喜欢你吗?就像风喜欢自由,雨喜欢大地,而我喜欢你,连呼吸都变得贪婪。"
        "Do you know how much I like you? Like the wind loves freedom, like rain loves the earth, and I love you—so much that even my breathing becomes greedy."

      • "如果我是一颗星星,我会在夜空中偷偷靠近你,直到我们离得足够近,点亮彼此的世界。"
        "If I were a star, I’d secretly move closer to you in the night sky until we’re close enough to light up each other’s world."

      • "我从来没想过,光是想你,就能让我整个人变得柔软又炙热,像冰遇见了太阳。"
        "I never thought that just thinking about you could make me soft and burning all at once, like ice meeting the sun."

      • "你是我心里的秘密,就算全世界都在问,我也只想藏着你,偷偷拥有你的温柔。"
        "You’re the secret in my heart; even if the whole world asks, I just want to keep you hidden and quietly cherish your gentleness."

      • "如果每次心动都能换来一次拥抱,那我一定已经在你怀里住了一辈子了。"
        "If every heartbeat could earn me a hug, I’d have already lived in your arms for a lifetime."

      • "你的存在让我相信,世上真的有一种光,可以穿透所有的孤独,直达心底。"
        "Your presence makes me believe there truly is a light that can pierce through all loneliness and reach the depths of my heart."

      • "我是不是上辈子欠了你什么?不然为什么这一辈子,我的心甘愿被你绑架。"
        "Did I owe you something in a past life? Otherwise, why would my heart willingly be kidnapped by you in this one?"

      • "我从不相信命运,但遇见你以后,我开始觉得,原来命中注定是这么甜蜜的事。"
        "I never believed in destiny, but after meeting you, I realized how sweet it feels to be fated to someone."

      • "你是我心里的冒险岛,每次靠近你,我都像一个探索者,渴望发现更多关于你的美好。"
        "You’re the adventure island in my heart; every time I get close to you, I feel like an explorer eager to uncover more of your wonders."

      • "你是我世界里的唯一例外,我原本以为心不会动,但你一出现,它就失控了。"
        "You’re the only exception in my world; I thought my heart wouldn’t move, but the moment you appeared, it lost control."



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