-sweet talklover's prattle-
"Do you know how much I like you? It’s like the waves chasing the shore—every approach is an uncontrollable heartbeat.""你是我最致命的软肋,也是我最想守护的盔甲,离你越近,我越甘愿放下所有防备。"
"You are my most fatal weakness and the armor I want to protect the most. The closer I get to you, the more I’m willing to drop all my defenses.""如果你是毒药,那我愿意每晚浅尝一滴,让你的味道一点点渗透我的灵魂。"
"If you were poison, I’d take a drop every night, letting your essence seep into my soul bit by bit.""你的眼神就像一场没有出口的迷宫,我心甘情愿地迷失在里面,再也不想逃出来。"
"Your gaze is like a maze with no exit, and I willingly lose myself in it, never wanting to escape.""你是我心中的月亮,无论我身处黑夜还是白昼,抬头就能感受到你的光芒。"
"You are the moon in my heart; no matter if I’m in the night or day, I only need to look up to feel your light.""我想变成你的枕头,陪你度过每个深夜,听你所有的秘密,感受你所有的梦。"
"I want to become your pillow, staying with you through every night, hearing all your secrets, and feeling all your dreams.""你是一首无法唱完的歌,旋律在我心里流转,越听越沉醉,越唱越心动。"
"You are a song that can never be finished, with its melody flowing through my heart, making me more intoxicated and moved with every note.""我总说自己爱自由,但遇见你后才发现,我的自由就是追随你的每一步。"
"I always said I loved freedom, but after meeting you, I realized my freedom is following your every step.""你的存在就像春风拂过我的灵魂,每一次触碰都让我心甘情愿地为你融化。"
"Your presence is like a spring breeze brushing against my soul, and every touch makes me willingly melt for you.""我不是一个会轻易沦陷的人,但你的声音像是一首魔咒,让我一次次甘愿沉溺其中。"
"I’m not someone who falls easily, but your voice feels like a spell, making me willingly drown in it again and again."
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