-sweet talklover's prattle-
"Do you know? Every time I get close to you, it feels like a string deep in my soul vibrates—that’s my spirit confessing to you.""你的存在像是一场无法醒来的梦,我甘愿沉沦其中,哪怕永远无法回到现实。"
"Your presence feels like a dream I can’t wake up from, and I’m willing to sink into it, even if I can never return to reality.""我以为我的心早已平静如水,直到你闯进来,掀起了无法平息的狂澜。"
"I thought my heart had become as calm as still water, until you came in and stirred up an unstoppable storm.""我不是贪心的人,但遇见你后,我开始想要整个世界都装进你的眼眸里。"
"I’m not a greedy person, but after meeting you, I started wishing the whole world could fit into your eyes.""你像一道光,穿透了我所有的防线,让我甘心为你卸下盔甲。"
"You’re like a beam of light piercing through all my defenses, making me willingly take off my armor for you.""我不怕迷路,因为只要朝着你的方向走,所有的路都会变成归途。"
"I’m not afraid of getting lost, because as long as I walk in your direction, every path becomes a way home.""你的笑容像一场海啸,瞬间淹没了我的理智,让我心甘情愿被你吞没。"
"Your smile is like a tsunami, instantly drowning my reason and making me willingly let you consume me.""如果我的人生是一幅拼图,那你就是最后一块,没有你,我的世界永远无法完整。"
"If my life were a puzzle, you’d be the final piece; without you, my world could never be complete.""我一直在找一首能代表心意的歌,但后来发现,原来你的名字就是最动人的旋律。"
"I’ve been searching for a song to express my feelings, only to realize that your name is the most beautiful melody.""你是我胸腔里跳动的那颗心,离开你,我连呼吸都觉得空洞。"
"You are the heart beating in my chest; without you, even breathing feels hollow."
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