
民生   2025-01-03 21:24   河北  



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Since January 1, 2025, according to the "Notice on the Calculation of Average Annual Monthly Working Hours and Wage Conversion of Employees" issued by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, there have been the following changes in the wage calculation method:
自 2025 年 1 月 1 日起,根据人力资源社会保障部发布的《关于职工全年月平均工作时间和工资折算问题的通知》,工资计算方式有以下变化:

Calculation of Institutional Working Hours


Annual working days: The calculation method has been adjusted from the original one to

季工作日Quarterly working days
月工作日Monthly working days
工作小时数的计算Calculation of working hours:以月、季、年的工作日乘以每日的 8 小时Multiply the working days of each month, quarter, and year by 8 hours per day

Conversion of Daily Wages and Hourly Wages


In accordance with Article 51 of the Labor Law, employers shall pay wages in accordance with the law during legal holidays. That is, when calculating daily wages and hourly wages, the 13 days of legal holidays stipulated by the state shall not be excluded. Accordingly, the calculation of daily wages and hourly wages is as follows:

按照劳动法第五十一条的规定,法定节假日用人单位应当依法支付工资,即折算日工资、小时工资时不剔除国家规定的 13 天法定节假日。据此,日工资、小时工资的折算为:
日工资Daily wage
小时工资Hourly wage
月计薪天数Monthly payroll days,保持不变。

Calculation of Wage Compensation for Unused Annual Leave


Enterprises and other units that arrange for employees to work on legal holidays in accordance with the law shall pay employees an additional wage compensation of not less than 300% of the daily or hourly wage standard stipulated in the labor contract.

企业等单位依法安排职工在法定节假日工作的,应当另外支付给职工不低于劳动合同规定的其本人日或小时工资标准的 300% 支付工资报酬。

If enterprises, institutions, and other units really need to work and, with the consent of employees, fail to arrange annual leave for employees or arrange fewer days of annual leave than the number of days of annual leave that should be taken, wage compensation shall be paid in accordance with the law for the number of days of annual leave that should have been taken but not taken. To calculate the daily wage income for wage compensation for unused annual leave, enterprises and other units shall calculate it by dividing the employee's monthly wage by the monthly payroll days (21.75 days), and public institutions shall calculate it by dividing the employee's annual wage income by the annual payroll days (261 days). The employee's hourly wage income shall be calculated by dividing the employee's daily wage income by 8 hours.

企事业等单位确因工作需要且经职工本人同意未安排职工休年休假或者安排职工休假天数少于应休年休假天数的,应当按应休未休的年休假天数依法支付工资报酬。计算未休年休假工资报酬的日工资收入,企业等单位按职工本人月工资除以月计薪天数(21.75 天)、事业单位按职工本人全年工资收入除以全年计薪天数(261 天)进行折算。职工小时工资收入按职工日工资收入除以 8 小时进行折算。


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