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In the first 11 months of 2024, the non-tax revenue was approximately 3.7 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 17%. This exceeds the scale of 3.566 trillion yuan in 2023.2024年前11个月,非税收入大约3.7万亿元,同比增长17%。超过2023年3.566万亿规模。
The growth rate of non-tax revenue in October and November 2024 was around 40%. It can be seen from this the frenzied situation of fines and confiscations across the country.2024年10月和11月非税收入增速均在40%左右,由此可见,全国各地罚没收入的疯狂程度。
There is a rumor that, following the current trend, with the non-tax revenue being 1 trillion yuan in 2010, it may exceed 4 trillion yuan this year. In order to increase fines and confiscations, various regions have even resorted to the "long-distance fishing" model, sending the police to pursue entrepreneurs across provinces.传言说,按照目前的趋势,2010年非税收入1万亿,今年非税收入可能会突破4万亿。各地为了增加罚没收入,不惜开启了“远洋捕捞”模式,派出公安跨省追捕企业家。
The huge increase in non-tax revenue has caught the attention of the State Council. Li Qiang, Premier of the State Council, pointed out that it is necessary to strengthen law enforcement supervision, pay attention to abnormal growth of fines and confiscations, a large number of off-site law enforcement actions, and imposing maximum fines in large amounts, etc., and review and verify relevant law enforcement behaviors.非税收入巨额增长惊动了国务院。国务院总理李强指出,要强化执法监督,关注罚没收入异常增长、大量异地执法、大额顶格处罚等情况,审查核实相关执法行为。
People's Daily published an article stating: "The black hands of 'long-distance fishing'-style illegal law enforcement must be chopped off. For this kind of 'long-distance fishing' behavior, decisive measures must be taken to clear it in accordance with laws and regulations."人民日报发文:“远洋捕捞”式违规执法的黑手必须斩断。对于远洋捕捞,必须拿出雷霆手段、依法依规予以清除。
第一名:广东,罚没收入 338.45 亿元;
第二名:山东,罚没收入 312.77 亿元;
第三名:江苏,罚没收入 241.02 亿元;
第四名:河南,罚没收入 201.97 亿元;
第五名:江西,罚没收入 197.96 亿元;
第九名:浙江,罚没收入 166.75 亿元;
第十三名:湖北,罚没收入 116.41 亿;
第十五名:安徽,罚没收入 108.03 亿 。
广西梧州:罚没收入 49.60 亿,罚没占税收比例达 29.80%;
湖南邵阳:罚没收入 51.90 亿,占比 19.80%;
辽宁盘锦:罚没收入 83.10 亿,占比 18.50%;
- 内蒙古乌兰察布:罚没收入 26.40 亿,占比 18.20% 。
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