
民生   2024-12-28 19:19   北京  



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Zhao Wei officially announces her divorce. How complicated are the circumstances behind it?

On December 28, 2024, renowned Chinese actress Zhao Wei officially announced her divorce from Huang Youlong. In a statement, Zhao Wei revealed that she and Huang had legally dissolved their marriage years ago. She earnestly requested that the public and media recognize this fact and refrain from involving her in unfounded speculations or false associations.

2024 年 12 月 28 日,中国知名女演员赵薇正式宣布与黄有龙离婚。赵薇在一份声明中透露,她和黄有龙在多年前就已合法解除婚姻关系。她诚挚地请求公众和媒体承认这一事实,避免将她卷入毫无根据的猜测或不实的关联报道中。

Zhao Wei and Huang Youlong tied the knot in 2008, and their union was once regarded as a model marriage in the entertainment industry. The couple welcomed a daughter during their marriage.

赵薇和黄有龙于 2008 年喜结连理,他们的婚姻曾一度被视为娱乐圈的模范婚姻。二人在婚姻期间育有一女。

The reasons behind their divorce have sparked widespread speculation. One theory suggests that financial issues may have played a significant role. In recent years, Huang Youlong has been repeatedly mired in financial crises. For instance, he was accused by Smart Choice Ventures Limited of failing to repay a loan of HK$753 million on time, and the company is now seeking to recover over HK$1.12 billion with accrued interest. It is believed that Zhao Wei's divorce announcement may be an attempt to distance herself from Huang Youlong's financial troubles and avoid potential negative impacts.

他们离婚的原因引发了广泛的猜测。一种说法认为,财务问题可能起到了重要作用。近年来,黄有龙多次深陷财务危机。例如,他被智择创投有限公司指控未能按时偿还 7.53 亿港元的贷款,该公司目前正追讨包括利息在内超过 11.2 亿港元的欠款。有人认为,赵薇宣布离婚可能是为了与黄有龙的财务困境划清界限,避免受到潜在的负面影响。

Another speculation points to possible relationship problems. Some fans claim that Zhao Wei had already proposed divorce as early as 2019, but Huang Youlong had been reluctant to agree. Rumors even suggest that Huang Youlong had an affair with their daughter's tutor during the marriage and has since remarried and had children.

另一种猜测则指向可能存在的感情问题。一些粉丝称,赵薇早在 2019 年就已提出离婚,但黄有龙一直不愿意同意。甚至有传言称,黄有龙在婚姻期间与他们女儿的家庭教师有染,并且已经再婚生子。

This divorce announcement has far-reaching implications. For Zhao Wei, who has faced significant setbacks in her career since 2018 due to the "shell company" incident, this divorce may be seen as an effort to redefine her personal boundaries and seek a fresh start. By separating from Huang Youlong, she hopes to extricate herself from potential financial entanglements and rebuild her life and career.

这一离婚声明影响深远。对于赵薇而言,自 2018 年因 “空壳公司” 事件遭遇重大挫折后,她的事业陷入低谷。此次离婚或许可以看作是她重新界定个人边界、寻求全新开始的努力。通过与黄有龙分开,她希望摆脱潜在的财务纠葛,重建自己的生活和事业。

For the public, Zhao Wei's divorce, as a high-profile event, has once again thrust her into the spotlight. It has not only triggered discussions about the complexities of celebrity marriages and image management in the entertainment industry but also led to deeper reflections on issues such as marriage, wealth, and responsibility. As the story unfolds, the public will undoubtedly continue to follow and analyze the developments of this high-profile divorce.

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