
民生   2024-12-22 15:46   陕西  



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On December 22, 2024, the Xihu Branch of the Nanchang Municipal Public Security Bureau and the Nanpu Sub-district Office of Xihu District jointly issued a situation report. Li Yixue, who had drawn much attention before, was diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive disorder and personality disorder. The following are the detailed circumstances of the relevant incident:

2024 年 12 月 22 日,南昌市公安局西湖分局、西湖区南浦街道办事处联合发布情况通报,此前备受关注的李某雪被诊断为强迫性障碍、人格障碍。以下是相关事件的详细情况:

Incident Origin


On March 11, 2024, netizen Luo XX from Hunan Province reported to the Kuizixiang Police Station, claiming that since November 2023, Li Yixue had repeatedly insulted and slandered him and his family members during live webcasts.

2024 年 3 月 11 日,湖南网民罗某某向筷子巷派出所报警,称 2023 年 11 月以来,李某雪在网络直播时多次侮辱、诽谤其本人和家人

Incident Development


On April 1, 2024, after mediation by the Kuizixiang Police Station, Li Yixue apologized to Luo XX and made a written guarantee. However, Luo XX reported to the police again later, stating that Li Yixue was still insulting him on the Internet. The police station summoned Li Yixue on multiple occasions, but Li Yixue refused to accept the summons every time.
2024 年 4 月 1 日,经筷子巷派出所调解,李某雪向罗某某道歉并作出书面保证,但之后罗某某再次报警称李某雪仍在网络上对其进行侮辱,派出所多次传唤李某雪,李某雪均拒绝接受传唤。

On November 8, the police officers handling the case legally issued a summons and summoned Li Yixue to the police station for questioning. Realizing that her actions were illegal, Li Yixue took the initiative to apply for a judicial appraisal of her mental state and behavioral capacity.

11 月 8 日,办案民警依法开具传唤证,将李某雪传唤至派出所进行询问,李某雪意识到自己的行为违法,主动申请对自己的精神状况和行为能力进行司法鉴定。

On November 20, the Kuizixiang Police Station legally submitted a commission to the Beijing Anding Hospital. On November 26, the Beijing Anding Hospital accepted the commission. On the morning of December 13, experts from the hospital came to Nanchang. At first, Li Yixue claimed that she was not at home and then turned off her phone. At 22:40 on that day, she took the initiative to contact the community police officers, saying that she was at home and requested that the appraisal be conducted at her own home. After informing her father, the police officers, community cadres accompanied the experts to conduct the appraisal at Li Yixue's home from 23:45 on that day to 0:55 on the next day. The whole process was recorded on video in accordance with laws and regulations.

11 月 20 日,筷子巷派出所依法向北京安定医院提请委托,11 月 26 日,北京安定医院受理委托,12 月 13 日上午医院专家来到南昌,李某雪先是称不在家后电话关机,当日 22 时 40 分又主动联系社区民警称在家,且要求在本人家中鉴定,经告知其父亲后,民警、社区干部陪同专家于当日 23 时 45 分至次日 0 时 55 分在李某雪家中对其进行鉴定,全过程依法依规录音录像

From 1:26 to 2:26 on December 14, experts from the Beijing Anding Hospital conducted an interview and inquiry with Li Yixue's father, Li XX, at the Kuizixiang Police Station regarding Li Yixue's mental state. Meanwhile, Li Yixue posted two videos on the Douyin platform on December 14, which attracted a large amount of attention from netizens. Since that day, staff from the sub-district and community had visited her home every day to check on the situation, but Li Yixue refused to open the door. However, Li Yixue's father, community police officers and others contacted her via phone calls and WeChat and confirmed that she had been staying at home all along, had the freedom of movement, and had engaged in online shopping and ordering food.

12 月 14 日 1 时 26 分至 2 时 26 分,北京安定医院专家在筷子巷派出所就李某雪的精神状况对其父亲李某进行了谈话问询123. 而李某雪在 12 月 14 日于抖音平台发布两条视频,引发大量网民关注,自该日起街道和社区工作人员每日上门了解情况,李某雪均拒绝开门,但李某雪父亲、社区民警等与她电话、微信联系确认其一直在家中、行动自由,且有网上购物、点餐行为

Appraisal Results


On December 21, the Beijing Anding Hospital issued an appraisal opinion. Li Yixue was diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive disorder and personality disorder, but her ability to recognize and control her actions was intact when she committed illegal acts, and she was rated as having full criminal responsibility.

12 月 21 日,北京安定医院作出鉴定意见,李某雪被诊断为强迫性障碍、人格障碍,但实施违法行为时辨认、控制能力完整,评定为完全责任能力

Decision on Hospitalization


In view of Li Yixue's current medical condition, on December 22, the sub-district and community sent her to the hospital in accordance with laws and regulations.鉴于李某雪当前病情状况,12 月 22 日街道社区依法依规将其送诊

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