与奥巴马政府(2009-2016年)相比,第一届特朗普政府(2017-2020年)在专利政策方面发生了显著变化。奥巴马总统任命的美国专利商标局(USPTO)局长为前谷歌专利和专利战略负责人Michelle Lee。在Lee女士的领导下,USPTO采纳了一系列被广泛认为对谷歌等经常被指控侵犯他人知识产权的公司有利的政策。例如,在此期间,专利审判与上诉委员会(PTAB)因在多方复审(IPR)程序中极其无效率而获得了专利“死亡小队”的名号。
2017年,在当时的总统特朗普上任时,他提名Andrei Iancu为USPTO局长。Iancu先生曾是专利诉讼律师及Irell & Manella律师事务所的管理合伙人,推动了有利于专利所有人的USPTO政策。例如,PTAB曾开始依据所谓的General Plastic and Fintiv理论拒绝IPR的要求。这一趋势在2022年,当拜登总统提名Kathi Vidal担任USPTO的领导角色后再次逆转。与Iancu先生相似,Vidal女士之前也曾是专利诉讼律师以及Winston & Strawn律师事务所硅谷办公室的管理合伙人。然而,她推行了与前任相反的政策,例如限制Fintiv理论的适用,并且,甚至亲自审查对专利所有人有利的PTAB决定。”
A Second Trump Administration May Bring Stronger Intellectual Property Rights in the US
It is widely expected that under a second Trump administration the United States government will intensify its trade war with China in the forms of increased tariffs and other obstacles to international trade. Perhaps not as well appreciated is the possible impact on U.S. policy in the field of intellectual property. Specifically, a stronger patent system under the new administration could make the U.S. an attractive forum for Chinese companies to enforce their intellectual property rights against their competitors.
The first Trump administration (2017-2020) was marked by a dramatic shift in patent policy as compared to the Obama administration (2009-2016). President Obama's choice as Director of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) was Michelle Lee, who was previously Head of Patents and Patent Strategy at Google. Under Ms. Lee's leadership, the USPTO adopted policies that were widely perceived to be favorable to companies, such as Google, that are often accused of infringing others' intellectual property rights. For example, during that period the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB) acquired the reputation of being a "death squad" for patents, due to the extremely high rate of invalidation in Inter Partes Review (IPR) proceedings.
When President Trump took office in 2017, he nominated Andrei Iancu as director of the USPTO. Mr. Iancu was previously a patent litigator and Managing Partner of Irell & Manella LLP, and steered USPTO policy decidedly in favor of patent owners. For example, the PTAB started denying IPR requests under the so-called General Plastic and Fintiv doctrines. The trend reversed again in 2022, when President Biden nominated Kathi Vidal to the leadership of the USPTO. Like Mr. Iancu, Ms. Vidal was previously a patent litigator and Managing Partner of Winston & Strawn LLP’s Silicon Valley office. However, she implemented policies opposite to those of the previous administration, such as reining in the Fintiv doctrine and even personally reviewing PTAB decisions that favored patent owners.
While the intellectual property policies of the second Trump administration are not entirely clear, it is expected that they will follow the general trend of the last few administrations, with a return to stronger patent rights. This has the potential for changing the landscape for Chinese companies operating in the U.S. On one hand, the U.S. is expected to become more adversarial toward China, with the imposition of higher tariffs and the exclusion of Chinese companies from the U.S. market under national security justifications. On the other hand, Chinese companies may be able to assert their patent rights more forcefully in the U.S., against both Chinese competitors and U.S. competitors. For example, a Chinese company might elect to exit the U.S. market due to higher tariffs and unfavorable environment, but it could also use its intellectual property to either exclude its competitors from the U.S. market or demand payment of royalties on U.S. sales.
Two additional factors should be kept in mind. First, while intellectual property policy can change dramatically from one administration to the next, the trade policies of Republican and Democratic administrations are quite similar, as President Biden adopted many of the tariffs introduced by President Trump. Accordingly, changes in trade policy might not be as dramatic as they were in the first Trump administration. Second, intellectual property policy is not the highest priority of either party, and the appointment of the USPTO Director often takes place well after a new President is inaugurated. For example, Mr. Iancu took office 13 months after President Trump's inauguration, and Ms. Vidal was sworn in 15 months after President Biden took office. As such, any changes would likely play out beginning in 2026. We will be keeping track of such developments and publish updates as they become available.
Michael Devincenzo
DeVincenzo拥有近二十年的初审和上诉经验。他曾在美国各地的联邦初审法院和上诉法院以及国际贸易委员会开展诉讼业务,侧重于知识产权诉讼,包括专利、商标、版权和反垄断案件。DeVincenzo 曾代表多家知名企业参与备受瞩目的专利诉讼案件,涉及许多业务领域,比如金融服务行业产品、计算机硬件和软件、电路、电子元器件、商业方法、医疗器械以及视听和电信设备。DeVincenzo先生为客户提供知识产权组合管理、组合挖掘、专利再颁、专利复审、战略性获取和实施知识产权方面的咨询服务,并就专利有效性、范围和可执行性出具法律意见。
Charles Wizenfeld
Wizenfeld拥有超过十五年出庭经验。他代表客户参与在美国各地区法院、美国国际贸易委员会以及美国专利商标局专利审判和上诉委员会提起的专利诉讼的各个环节,包括多次参与庭审和上诉。Wizenfeld 的执业领域主要为电气和计算机艺术,他处理过的案件涉及各类技术,包括LED、半导体、计算机网络设备、用于光发射机的预失真电路、互联网电话、可视语音邮件以及各类型客户证券交易自动化系统。Wizenfeld先生还就许可及资产组合估值事宜向客户提供法律意见。
Andrea Pacelli
Pacelli 主办过涉及各类技术案件,涉及集成电路设计和制造、无线和宽带电信、云计算与存储和在线广告等技术。他拥有专利诉讼各个阶段的丰富实践经验,涵盖专利选择和立案前调查、书面证据开示、口头取证、申请专利范围解释、简易判决、审判和上诉等阶段。Pacelli先生代表客户在美国各地联邦地区法院、联邦巡回上诉法院和最高法院进行专利侵权诉讼,并代表客户处理向美国专利商标局专利审判和上诉委员会、美国国际贸易委员会(ITC)提起的以及国际仲裁中的专利纠纷。此外,Pacelli 还代表客户向美国专利商标局提起专利申请和复审,并代表多家大型半导体公司参与多项专利交叉许可谈判。
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