法国知名演员、导演兼编剧苏菲·玛索,作为第六届海南岛国际电影节的形象大使,在与CGTN的独家专访中分享了与中国的深厚渊源以及多年来对中国文化、中国电影和中国影迷朋友们的喜爱之情。期待她在海南岛电影节的精彩亮相,继续为中法文化交流贡献自己的力量。Sophie Marceau, a renowned French actress, director, and screenwriter, has long been hailed as the "French Rose." At the age of 14, she rose to fame with her breakout role in the film La Boum, earning global recognition. Now she’s come to China as the ambassador for the Hainan Island International Film Festival. Our reporter Wang Siwen sat down with her, talking about her decades-long connection with China.