何猷君,Z世代创业者、星竞威武集团董事长兼CEO、澳门电竞总会会长,亚洲最年轻的纳斯达克上市公司创始人。这些耀眼的头衔之外,他其实代表的是伴随澳门回归成长起来的一代人。他以对新兴行业的探索和成就,成为青年创业者在粤港澳大湾区学习和对标的楷模。站在澳门回归祖国25周年的时间节点上,这位新世代创业者如何回顾区域发展带来的成长机遇、展望属于青年人的未来?Mario Ho, a trailblazing Gen Z entrepreneur, is the chairman and CEO of NIP Group, president of the Macao E-Sports Federation, and the youngest founder of a Nasdaq-listed company in Asia. He represents a generation that has grown up alongside Macao's return to China, embodying both innovation and ambition. As Macao marks 25 years since its return, Ho reflects on the opportunities created by regional development and shares his vision for empowering the next wave of young entrepreneurs.推荐阅读:从0到IPO:何猷君谈创业之初的探索与坚持