Editor's note: The Wuyi Mountains or Wuyishan are known for their breathtaking scenery and rich cultural heritage. Since the establishment of the national park pilot program there in 2016, the lives of local residents have undergone remarkable changes. How have these transformations redefined their centuries-old bond with the land? Join us to discover how Wuyishan National Park has become a symbol of harmony between human and nature. 编者按:2016年,作为我国首批国家公园体制试点之一的武夷山国家公园正式启动试点工作。武夷山保存着全球同纬度最完整、面积最大的中亚热带原生性常绿阔叶林生态系统,这里同时也是武夷山人世世代代生活的地方。国家公园成立后,他们的生活发生了怎样的改变?人们与脚下这片熟悉的土地将以怎样的方式相处?