2025年1月1日将迎来世界贸易组织(WTO)成立三十周年的重要历史时刻。当下,全球化遭遇逆风,多边贸易体制受到挑战,CGTN主持人田薇专访多位世界贸易组织及相关机构的国内外权威嘉宾,探讨世贸组织如何应对复杂的地缘经济格局变化,以及中国作为经济全球化和多极化世界的中坚力量为全球经济发展作出的贡献。The World Trade Organization, or WTO, has navigated thirty years of significant change, witnessing the ebb and flow of international trade and driving the deepening of globalization. At this critical juncture, how the WTO can promote multilateral cooperation, resolve disputes, and contribute to the recovery of the global economy have become focal points of international attention. Six distinguished figures have discussed the organization's evolution and future. Let's hear their insights.推荐阅读:中国常驻世贸组织代表:《投资便利化协定》推动双赢合作 构建友好环境