圣诞老人的故乡、极光、桑拿......说到芬兰,你还会想到什么?芬兰的美食有哪些代表菜?来自芬兰东部的炖肉竟然跟中国的东北乱炖有异曲同工之妙?芬兰驻华大使馆新闻与文化参赞詹娜·莱恩(Janna Laine)做客本期《世界餐桌》,与CGTN美食主播珊妮儿深入探讨芬兰的饮食文化。从日常经典菜品到圣诞新年的节庆美食,从私藏家常菜谱到独特的节日习俗,詹娜为观众呈现一个多元且充满风情的芬兰美食世界。一起品味芬兰餐桌上的多样风味,领略芬兰圣诞美味!What are the iconic dishes of Finnish cuisine? And what festive flavors are a must-try during Christmas and New Year? In this episode of Yummy Planet, Janna Laine, Press and Cultural Counsellor at the Embassy of Finland in China, invites CGTN food vlogger Shanny to delve into the rich world of Finnish culinary culture. From everyday classics to festive holiday dishes, from cherished family recipes to unique traditions, Janna takes viewers on a journey through the diverse and charming flavors of Finland. Join them to savor the delights of the Finnish table and discover the magic of Finnish Christmas!