My outfit? Rainbow. @Amsterdam Pride 阿姆斯特丹的骄傲六色奇遇记(上)
2022-10-06 07:30
I walked in Amsterdam carrying my backpack for 10 hours and exhausted my camera 's battery, my lower back for a few times, and frayed both my rainbow socks, yet still didn't want to leave在阿姆斯特丹独自背包暴走十小时,相机早就拍到没电,腰杆累断几次,彩虹色袜子双双磨破(后续),也不愿意离开 It was about the expensive the Dutch public transportation and extending the trip's value to the most. It was also about all the wonderful encounters I had there既是因为荷兰公共交通太贵,要玩够本,也是因为接连不断的小小奇妙际遇把我勾留住 Red 红色 Knowing I'd walk a lot, I didn't dress up. But I did wear Chinese elements: red t-shirt, black wide-legged trousers, wooden hairpin, and lion earrings为了方便暴走,我没有特别打扮,但有意识带了中国元素:红色T恤,黑色宽大裙裤,如意木簪挽发,醒狮耳坠 I was already tired when I was eating from the luchbox I brought with me on a bridge bench. Among the walking-by crowd, a stranger with pink short hair had eye contact with me, and suddenly said loudly to me "you're so beautiful"坐在桥上长椅上吃自带的午饭时,我已经感觉挺累的了,路过的人潮中有个粉色寸头的陌生人和我视线接触,忽然用英语大声对我说“你真美” Later, I told a stranger who was exposing their body in the sun while seemed to feel self-conscious the same thing后来,我也远远地对一个正在阳光下展露自己身体、又好像有点在意别人眼光的陌生人用荷兰语说了一句“je bent mooi 你很美” That was how the atmosphere was that day in Amsterdam: thousands of people were flowing in the street, being beautiful in their own way, bursting into compliments upon intersection当天阿姆的氛围就是这样,成千上万的人在路上流动,各美其美,偶尔交错,爆发几星赞美的冲动 Orange 橙色 Orange is the national colour of the Netherlands. More than one person jumped into my camera to be a part of the photograph. Random people winked at me. The Drum band played in the sundown and the audience started to dance - it's all been very orange.荷兰是橙色的国度。看到我在拍照,经常有人跳过来“抢镜”;走在路上陌生人会对我抛个俏皮的媚眼;夕阳下鼓乐队演奏,观众自发跳起舞来……这些都很“橙色” Yellow 黄色 Haven't seen many Asian faces here. But there was a boat in the canal especially consisting of yellow-skinned people. Glad to see them united在荷兰较少见到亚裔面孔,运河游行船队中出现了黄皮肤,看了让人很高兴 In a plaza I was stopped by several girls who asked if I have water. As I looked down, I saw one of them sobbing with a bleeding knee. My water bottle happened to be designed to be suitable for squeezing and rinsing the wound在广场被几个女生拦路,问有没有水。我视线跟着她们的目光下移,才看到其中一个女生哭得抽抽噎噎,一边膝盖磨破了,正在流血。我的水瓶是尖叫的那种设计,派上了用场,给她冲洗了一下伤口 These girls were very extroverted. They asked if I was from Japan, Korea, or Hong Kong in different voices at the same time. I stopped them right there and said that I am from China. I touched the hurt girl's shoulder and said "I'm sorry you're in pain". She was then feeling more like herself, and looked into my eyes and said "No , don't worry about me". Her friends also realised that I had to go, and gave me a slight push, saying "Go, go"她们也是非常外向的性格,七嘴八舌地问我是日本人?韩国人?香港人?我赶紧让她们打住,说你们这样很危险,我是中国人。嘻嘻哈哈了几句后,我扶住摔伤女孩的肩膀说“你摔痛了吧”,她已经回过神来,看着我的眼睛连连说“没事,我不要紧了”,她的同伴也知道我还要赶路,推我走,说“你快去忙你的吧” To be continued未完待续