OH Card sessions I can't write about 不能写的秘密

文摘   2022-09-08 17:00   荷兰  

I have so much to write about the 3 mere OH Card sessions I provided here. Every person who decided to sit down at my stall has stories in their life or between us. 

The flower in my bag in the picture was from the the flowerman next to me, "for good luck", he said. 

There are actually people who reached out and did further sessions with me till today. 

Tonight, someone appointed a private session. The last second , he was comfortably proclaiming that the outdoor restaurant we sat at feels like southern France, the next second, raindrops forced us to protect the OH Cards in a big laugh. 

When farewelled after a big  personal session, a splendid sunset and a big full moon was above and before me. In my earphones it sings, "tender is the night for a broken heart". I don't know if he feels better tonight.

But well, about all this I can't write. Let me read my literature first.








荷陌生人不期而遇 北欧旅居版