四六级翻译 | ​红楼梦

教育   2024-11-03 06:07   英国  



Dream of the Red Chamber is one of China's Four Great Classical Novels, written by Qing Dynasty author Cao Xueqin. This novel centers on the love story between Jia Baoyu and Lin Daiyu, highlighting the rise and fall of an aristocratic family during the Qing Dynasty. Through a multitude of characters and intricate plots, the story reveals various aspects of society at that time. Known for its exquisite language and profound themes, Dream of the Red Chamber is considered an "encyclopedic" literary work and serves as a valuable resource for studying ancient Chinese society and culture. It has profoundly influenced subsequent literary works and the dissemination of Chinese culture.


  1. aristocratic family (n.) 贵族家庭
    The Jia family is a typical aristocratic family from the Qing Dynasty.

  2. multitude (n.) 大量
    The novel depicts a multitude of characters and intricate plots.

  3. profound (adj.) 深刻的
    The themes of the novel are profound and thought-provoking.

  4. encyclopedic (adj.) 百科全书式的
    Dream of the Red Chamber is hailed as an "encyclopedic" literary work.

  5. dissemination (n.) 传播
    The novel has had a profound impact on the dissemination of Chinese culture.


  1. center on
    This novel centers on the love story between Jia Baoyu and Lin Daiyu.

  2. highlight the rise and fall of ...
    The novel highlights the rise and fall of an aristocratic family.

  3. serves as a valuable resource for ...
    It serves as a valuable resource for studying ancient Chinese society and culture.


  1. 家庭背景及主题的表达:
    翻译中要突显《红楼梦》贵族家庭的历史背景及主题,尤其是“rise and fall”这一表达可生动描述其繁荣与衰败的过程。

  2. 社会细节的百科全书式表达:

  3. 文化影响的传达:
    译文中需强调该小说在文学创作和文化传播上的影响,用“profound impact on dissemination”来表达其文化价值。

  4. 情节结构与语言艺术:
    突出《红楼梦》在情节安排和语言运用方面的精美,可用“intricate plots”和“exquisite language”传达这种艺术美感。


  1. 四六级翻译 | 茶文化

  2. 四六级翻译 | 中医

  3. 四六级翻译 | 故宫

  4. 四六级翻译 | 故宫

  5. 四六级翻译 | 长城

  6. 四六级翻译 | 春节

  7. 四六级翻译 | 端午节

  8. 四六级翻译 | 书法

  9. 四六级翻译 | 京剧

  10. 四六级翻译 | 丝绸之路

  11. 四六级翻译 | 二十四节气

  12. 四六级翻译 | 太极拳

  13. 四六级翻译 | 长江

  14. 四六级翻译 | 京杭大运河

  15. 四六级翻译 | 黄山

  16. 四六级翻译 | 藏族舞蹈

  17. 四六级翻译 | 甲骨文

  18. 四六级翻译 | 都江堰

  19. 四六级翻译 | 敦煌莫高窟

  20. 四六级翻译 | 兵马俑

  21. 四六级翻译 | 北京四合院

  22. 四六级翻译 | 桂林山水

  23. 四六级翻译 | 西湖

  24. 四六级翻译 | 昆曲

  25. 四六级翻译 | 大运河

  26. 四六级翻译 | 孔子

  27. 四六级翻译 | 孟子

  28. 四六级翻译 | 四书

  29. 四六级翻译 | 唐诗

  30. 四六级翻译 | 丝绸

  31. 四六级翻译 | 四书五经

  32. 四六级翻译 | 黄河

  33. 四六级翻译 | 四川火锅

  34. 四六级翻译 | 昆曲

  35. 四六级翻译 | 竹文化

  36. 四六级翻译 | 四合院

  37. 四六级翻译 | 书院

  38. 四六级翻译 | 活字印刷术



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