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Figure 1 Food composition database and dietary nutrition evaluation. China Food Composition Tables (CFCT) and Food and Nutrient Database for Dietary Studies (FNDDS) represent the authoritative food composition database in China and USA, respectively. Food-Based Dietary Guidelines in Spain, Chinese Food Guide Pagoda, Dietary Guidelines for Americans, Food-Based Dietary Guidelines for South Africa, Australian Guide to Healthy Eating, and Food Guide for the Brazilian Population represent dietary guidelines of six continents. Healthy Eating Index (HEI), Mediterranean Dietary Score (MDS), Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH), and Dietary Inflammation Index (DII) are the classical dietary evaluation index model. Seven dietary nutrients have prominent healthy function. Small molecules in food, including phytochemicals, ethanol, and choline, also show significant nutritional effects. Chinese Food Guide Pagoda (CFGP) is an important basis for the dietary intake of Chinese residents.
Figure 2 Research methods of precision nutrition. There are some major methods for precision nutrition research, including organoids and organ chips, bioinformatics, epigenetics, metabolomics, proteomics, ribonucleic acid (RNA) sequencing, deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) sequencing, and others.
Figure 3 Methods and developments of food perception science. The food senses go through three main stages, including sensory study, flavor study, and perception study. Sensory evaluation is a traditional food perception method. Flavor study reveals the key flavor substances. Artificial intelligence and digitization with big data is the future direction for perception study.
Figure 4 Basic theory and methods of multi-objective optimization (MOO) design. Varying food processing parameters will get results for characterizing the relationship between nutrition or sensory. Digitizing these aspects enables MOO to yield optimal solution sets. Individuals can then select personalized diets from these sets, generating interactive data for enhanced big data analysis.
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