WIPO China: Nigerian Author Sparks Creativity Among Young Creators
The article was originally published in the issue 1/2024 of WIPO Magazine.
律师兼作家Chidera Okolie的使命是激励尼日利亚年轻人充分发挥自己的创作才能。
Lawyer and writer, Chidera Okolie, is on a mission to inspire young Nigerians to make the most of their creative talents.
图:Philip Kisaka Wasilwa提供
Photo: Courtesy of Philip Kisaka Wasilwa
从沉浸于文学世界到撰写自己的故事,奇德拉·奥科利自孩童时期起就一直培养自己的创作兴趣。这位尼日利亚律师兼作家著有两部小说,《当沉默震耳欲聋》(When Silence Becomes Too Loud)(2014年)和《不可饶恕》(Not Forgiven)(2017年)。除了对写作的热情外,奥科利还在2018年发起“个人的创作”(Idios Creatives)举措,积极鼓励尼日利亚的年轻作家实现自己的写作梦想。这就是她的故事。
From immersing herself in the world of literature to crafting her own stories, Chidera Okolie has been nurturing her creative interests since she was a child. The Nigerian lawyer and writer is the author of two novels, When Silence Becomes Too Loud (2014) and Not Forgiven (2017). Beyond her passion for writing, Okolie is actively encouraging young writers in Nigeria to fulfil their writing dreams through her Idios Creatives initiative, which she launched in 2018. This is her story.
Chidera Okolie set up Idios Creatives, a platform for young people to explore and express their creativity. “Through the Idios Creatives project, I wanted to provide a platform for a new generation of writers to embrace their creative power. It is my way of contributing to the development of young peopleʼs writing and other creative skills,” Okolie explains.
To capture the attention of young people across Nigeria, in 2018, Okolie created the Idios Prize for Flash Fiction and Poetry. Over 300 schoolchildren took part in the competition. “We visited schools across Nigeria, collecting short stories from young writers. Eventually, we had about 300 stories, which we narrowed down to the best 100 for publication. This has helped showcase the abundance of creative talent in Nigeria,” Okolie notes. In setting up Idios Creatives, her strongest hope is that “young people are encouraged to read more and to explore their own creativity.”
Advancing IP and creativity in Nigeria
The author is also a champion of intellectual property rights, highlighting their crucial importance in recognizing, rewarding and supporting creators for their work.
“IP allows you to protect your creative work from exploitation, illegal reproduction and misuse. It also ensures the preservation of your economic rights, in other words, your ability to earn income from your work, and your moral rights, including the right to be credited as the creator, and the right to protect the integrity of your work,” Okolie explains.
While Nigeria has made progress in this regard, Okolie believes there is still more to be done to enhance the countryʼs copyright landscape. “Nigeria has long suffered from piracy, but the landscape is gradually improving. I strongly believe that IP rights play a critical role in emboldening artists to safeguard their work and use it for economic benefits. This becomes particularly significant when building a career based on oneʼs creativity,” she says.
Okolie started writing her first novel, When Silence Becomes Too Loud, in 2014, without any intention of sharing it outside her personal sphere. “It was purely a personal endeavor,” she notes. But her father insisted that she have her book published. “I was hesitant to reveal myself so intimately and to allow others to delve into my innermost creative thoughts," she says.
Despite her initial fears, Okolie started looking for a publisher and the bookʼs release, in 2014, exceeded all her expectations. “The book was widely acclaimed in my country and gained a lot of attention. It caught the eye of my countryʼs former president, who expressed his pride in associating with young people who strive to keep creativity alive in the country,” Okolie explains.
“My hope is that young people are encouraged to readmore and explore their creativity,” says Chidera Okolie, founder of Idios Creatives, a platform that supports young creatives in Nigeria.
图:Chidera Okolie提供
Photo: Courtesy of Chidera Okolie
Her outstanding novel earned her three awards, including the 2016 Nigerian Writers Award for Best Fiction Writer of the Year and a nomination for the African Achieverʼs award.
基于这一成功,奥科利的第二部作品《不可饶恕》也是一部心理惊悚短篇集,同样备受赞誉,并使她一路畅通,获得2017年年度最杰出小说作家奖。2019年1月,Avance Media将奥科利列入“100位最具影响力的尼日利亚年轻人”名单。
Building on her success, Okolieʼs second publication, Not Forgiven, is a collection of short psychological thrillers and also won accolades, paving the way for her to receive Most Outstanding Fiction Writer of the Year in 2017. In January 2019, Okolie was listed among the 100 Most Influential Young Nigerians by Avance Media.
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