WIPO China: In the Courts: The US Supreme Court’s Warhol decision revisits the boundaries of fair use
本文原载于2023年第4期《WIPO杂志》。作者为美国哥伦比亚大学法学教授Jane C. Ginsburg。
The article was originally published in the issue 4/2023 of WIPO Magazine. The author is Jane C. Ginsburg, Professor of Law, Columbia University, USA.
2023年5月,美国最高法院就沃霍尔案下达判决,该案将对源作品的自由艺术使用主张与这些作品创作者(主要为摄影师)开拓基于其创作的作品市场的能力对立起来。(图:DNY59/iStock/Getty Images Plus)
In May 2023, the United States Supreme Court handed down its decision on the Warhol case, which pitted claims to free artistic use of source works against the ability of the creators of those works (mainly photographers) to exploit markets for works based on their creations. (Photo: DNY59 / iStock / Getty Images Plus)
2023年5月,美国最高法院就安迪·沃霍尔基金会(AWF)诉戈德史密斯等(沃霍尔案)下达了备受期待的判决。判决支持知名摄影师林恩·戈德史密斯(Lynn Goldsmith)的主张,安迪·沃霍尔基金会(AWF)侵犯了她对已故艺人Prince照片的版权,基金会在2016年Prince去世后,将安迪·沃霍尔基于这张照片创作的插画许可给《名利场》用作封面。
In May 2023, the United States Supreme Court handed down its much-anticipated decision on Andy Warhol Foundation (AWF) v. Goldsmith et al (the Warhol case) . The decision upheld the claim by the celebrity photographer, Lynn Goldsmith, that the Andy Warhol Foundation (AWF) had infringed her copyright in a photo of the late entertainer Prince, when, after Prince's death in 2016, the Foundation licensed an illustration by Andy Warhol based on that photo, to Vanity Fair for a cover.
The case pitted claims to free artistic use of source works against the ability of the creators of those works (mainly photographers) to exploit markets for works based on their creations. The majority of the Justices focused on the prospects of the creator of the source work to make a living ("even against famous artists"), while the dissent trained on the genius of Andy Warhol, and a long tradition of artistic borrowing from prior works.
In 1981, Goldsmith created a portrait of Prince. In 1984, in a "one time, one use" agreement, Goldsmith licensed the photograph for USD 400 "to Vanity Fair magazine for use as an artist reference." Vanity Fair commissioned Andy Warhol to create an illustration based on the photograph and published it together with an article about Prince in its November 1984 issue. On publication, Vanity Fair credited Goldsmith for the source photograph of Warhol's illustration.
Warhol's illustration was one of a series of 16 silkscreen paintings, prints and drawings he created based on Goldsmith's photograph. He had not sold or otherwise exploited these works during his lifetime. The works form part of the late artist's estate managed by the Andy Warhol Foundation (AWF).
After Prince died in 2016, Vanity Fair obtained a license from AWF to republish one of the Warhol illustrations (a different one from that published in its 1984 edition) on the cover of its special issue on the entertainer's life. On this occasion, however, Vanity Fair did not obtain a license from Goldsmith, nor did the special issue credit Goldmith's original photo. When Goldsmith learned of this unauthorized use of her work, she notified AWF that it had infringed the copyright in her original photo. In response, AWF sued her, claiming that its use of the photograph was a non-infringing fair use.
What the lower courts said in the Warhol case: the pathway to the Supreme Court
The district court upheld AWF's fair use defense. It found the Warhol illustration transformative because "each Prince Series work is immediately recognizable as a 'Warhol' rather than as a photograph of Prince." It also noted that Warhol's illustration was unlikely to supplant the market for Goldsmith's photograph. "It is plain that the markets for a Warhol and for a Goldsmith fine-art or other type of print are different." The court also gave short shrift to Goldsmith's contention that AWF's unlicensed use competed with her ability to license her photograph: "this does not suggest that a magazine or record company would license a transformative Warhol work in lieu of a realistic Goldsmith photograph."
The Second Circuit Court of Appeals reversed the district court's decision. Addressing the first fair use factor, the Second Circuit chided the district court for applying a bright line rule "that any secondary work that adds a new aesthetic or new expression to its source material is necessarily transformative."
The Second Circuit also observed that Warhol's use was "commercial in nature, but . . . produce[d] an artistic value that serves the greater public interest. […] Nevertheless, just as we cannot hold that the Prince Series is transformative as a matter of law, neither can we conclude that Warhol and AWF are entitled to monetize it without paying Goldsmith the 'customary price' for the rights to her work […]..
The Second Circuit also found the remaining fair use factors favored Goldsmith. Her work was creative (factor 2); Warhol copied the identifiable essence of Goldsmith's photograph without establishing a need to take Goldsmith's representation (as opposed to any photographic representation) of the artist Prince (factor 3); AWF usurped the established market for licensing photographs as "artists' references" for magazine publication (factor 4).
The Supreme Court agreed to hear an appeal, but only as to the first factor, which it examined from the perspective of AWF's licensing of the work for publication in a magazine tribute to Prince. "On that narrow issue, and limited to the challenged use, the Court agrees with the Second Circuit: The first factor favors Goldsmith, not AWF." The Court rejected AWF's contention that "the Prince Series works are 'transformative,' and that the first factor therefore weighs in their favor, because the works convey a different meaning or message than the photograph."
Instead, the Court made clear that creating a new work that adds a "new meaning or message" is not sufficient of itself to make a use "transformative." The Court thus has restored the original meaning of "transformative use," as a consideration to be weighed against other elements, notably the commercial character of the defendant's use.
By emphasizing the purpose and character of the AWF's use, the Court sidestepped examination of how the derivative work differed from the Goldsmith's source photo. The Court thus avoided falling into the trap of addressing the artistic merits of Warhol's work – an inquiry copyright courts are supposed to abjure. Rather, the Court focused on the extent to which the exploitation of AWF's work was intended to substitute for one of the ways in which Goldsmith could exploit her work in primary and secondary markets, in other words, her ability to generate revenue from her work.
In shifting the focus of the first factor inquiry from the "transformativeness" of the defendant's work to the distinctness of the use's purpose or character, the majority acknowledged that "The same copying may be fair when used for one purpose but not another." Thus, some uses not authorized by the plaintiff might be fair and others not, even though the uses involve the same work.
Read the full article online and learn more about the Warhol case.
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