近日,敦伯学院联盟校、北美耶稣会大学协会(AJCU)成员校——波士顿学院,举办第148届毕业典礼。中国香港教区主教周守仁枢机受邀在典礼上发表致辞,波士顿学院校长William P. Leahy向周枢机及其他四位杰出人士颁发荣誉学位。以下是周枢机的学位颁授词。
周守仁枢机(前排左一)、波士顿学院校长William P. Leahy(前排中)、波士顿助理主教Cristiano G. Borro Barbosa(后排右一)以及其他四位荣誉学位获得者
Cardinal Stephen Chow, S.J., has dedicated his life to promoting education, the Catholic faith, and the common good. As the bishop of Hong Kong, named cardinal by Pope Francis in 2023, he has worked diligently to improve relations between the Vatican and China, which have lacked diplomatic ties for more than 70 years. Longing for his native Hong Kong to be a bridge-building church between Rome and Beijing, he became the first Hong Kong bishop in nearly four decades to visit the Chinese capital, and hosted Beijing’s Archbishop Joseph Li Shan in the first-ever visit by a Beijing bishop to Hong Kong. A devoted supporter of education, he has served as the supervisor of two Jesuit colleges in Hong Kong, chair of the Commission for Education of the Jesuit Province in China, and as a professor of psychology at the Holy Spirit Seminary of Hong Kong. While province superior of the Chinese Jesuits from 2018 to 2021, he worked with The Beijing Center to enhance dialogue and friendship between China and other cultures—in the tradition of 16th-century Jesuit missionary Matteo Ricci, S.J. A renowned scholar, he earned degrees in psychology from the University of Minnesota, philosophy from Dublin’s Milltown Institute of Theology and Philosophy, theology from the Holy Spirit Seminary, organizational development from Loyola University of Chicago, and human development and psychology from Harvard University, where he received a doctoral degree in 2006. For his commitment to the Catholic faith as a means to inspire and unite, Boston College awards Cardinal Stephen Chow, S.J., the degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa.
中文翻译 | Fiona & Rachel
推送设计 | Rachel
责任编辑 | Simon