【Advances in Applied Energy】瑞典风光共址发电园区的日前概率预测

学术   科学   2024-12-30 20:05   四川  


Day-ahead probabilistic forecasting at aco-located wind and solar power park in Sweden: Trading and forecastverification




  • We study the effect of aggregation at aco-located wind and solar power park.

  • We assess the performance of probabilisticforecasts in terms of quality and value.

  • Co-location improves the accuracy of forecaststhe most in the spring, summer and fall.

  • A ratio of 50% - 60% wind power in the combinedpark improves the accuracy the most.

  • The improved forecasts reduce the regulationcosts in the day-ahead market.



更多关于"Probabilistic forecasting"的研究请见:



This paper presents a first step in the field ofprobabilistic forecasting of co-located wind and photovoltaic (PV) parks. Theeffect of aggregation is analyzed with respect to forecast accuracy and valueat a co-located park in Sweden using roughly three years of data. We use afixed modelling framework where we post-process numerical weather predictionsto calibrated probabilistic production forecasts, which is a prerequisite whenplacing optimal bids in the day-ahead market. The results show that aggregationimproves forecast accuracy in terms of continuous ranked probability score,interval score and quantile score when compared to wind or PV power forecastsalone. The optimal aggregation ratio is found to be 50%–60% wind power and theremainder PV power. This is explained by the aggregated time series beingsmoother, which improves the calibration and produces sharper predictivedistributions, especially during periods of high variability in both resources,i.e., most prominently in the summer, spring and fall. Furthermore, the dailyvariability of wind and PV power generation was found to be anti-correlatedwhich proved to be beneficial when forecasting the aggregated time series.Finally, we show that probabilistic forecasts of co-located production improvetrading in the day-ahead market, where the more accurate and sharper forecastsreduce balancing costs. In conclusion, the study indicates that co-locatingwind and PV power parks can improve probabilistic forecasts which, furthermore,carry over to electricity market trading. The results from the study should begenerally applicable to other co-located parks in similar climates.


Forecast value

Quantile forecasts

PV power

Wind power

Hybrid power park

Probabilistic forecasting


Fig. 1. Flowchart illustrating the input data,method steps and analysis in this study. The input data are illustrated asparallelograms.

Fig. 2. Measured median of diurnal variabilityof PV power (upper subplot) and wind power (lower subplot) for the differentseasons at the co-located wind and PV power park. The blue envelopes show theobserved 20–80% quantile and the black solid lines show the median.

Fig. 4. Two example days of normalized PV, windand aggregation of equal level of wind and PV power production forecasts at theco-located park. The columns represent the different power sources. The rowsrepresent the different issue times in UTC. The prediction intervals are shownas envelopes with nominal coverage range from 10% to 90% and the observationsas solid red lines.

Fig. 5. PIT histograms for all look-ahead timesfor PV power, wind power and 50% aggregation level at the studied site forshuffle 2. Consistency intervals are denoted by the horizontal dashed lines andthe red lines show a perfectly reliable forecast. Note the differences on they-axes.

Fig. 6. PIAW as a function of the nominalcoverage rate of the prediction intervals for different nominal capacity ofwind power to the nominal capacity of the entire park. The rows corresponds tothe shuffles and the columns to the seasons.

Fig. 7. The rows present the CRPS andcorresponding decomposition scores as well as the variance for different sharesof wind in the combined park for the different seasons and shuffled data sets,respectively. The columns corresponds to the seasons.

关于Applied Energy

本期小编:李辉   审核人:冯玉鹏

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