
文摘   2024-11-05 16:08   澳大利亚  

未来大学专业感到迷茫?想提前了解大学生活并对不同的专业有更清晰的认识吗?那就来参加Qs School Box Hill 校区的University Degree Fair吧!此次活动为中学生提供了一个独特的机会,探索各种学术道路。

Feeling uncertain about your future university major? Want to get a head start on understanding university life and gain a clearer picture of different fields of study? Then join us at the University Degree Fair at Qs School Box Hill Campus! This event offers middle school students a unique opportunity to explore various academic pathways.

Uni Degree Fair上,你可以自由穿梭在各个“展位”中,与来自墨尔本多所顶尖大学的学生面对面交流。他们将分享自己所在专业的学习经历和经验。不论你对科学、工程、法律、建筑、会计还是教育感兴趣,都能找到相应专业的学长学姐来交流。提出你的问题,听听他们的真实挑战和成功经历,并了解该专业的学习要求!

At the University Degree Fair, you’ll be able to move freely between different "booths" and chat face-to-face with students from some of Melbourne’s top universities. They’ll share their experiences and insights into their respective fields of study. Whether you’re interested in science, engineering, law, architecture, or accounting, you’ll find senior students from each area to speak with. Bring your questions, hear about their real-life challenges and successes, and learn what each major truly requires!

University Degree Fair

📅 时间 Event Time

11月16日 下午4:00-6:00

Nov 16th, 4-6 pm

📍 地点 Location

Qs School Box Hill校区 211教室

Room 211, Qs School Box Hill Campus



参与活动的学长学姐们都来自哪里?感谢他们百忙之中抽空来为Qs School学弟学妹们答疑解惑,Qs community凝聚力体现时刻就是现在~ 

Let’s take a look at where our senior students are coming from! A big thank you to each of them for taking time out of their busy schedules to come and answer questions for the younger students at Qs School. This is the perfect moment to see the strength of our Qs community in action!

🔵Deakin University 

🔘法律学士/国际研究学士双学位Bachelor of Laws/Bachelor of International Studies

🔵La Trobe University 

🔘牙医荣誉学士 Bachelor of Dental Science (Honours)

🔵Monash University 

🔘药学学士 Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Science

🔘工程和信息技术学士 双学位Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) and Bachelor of Information Technology

🔘法律与心理学士 双学位 Bachelor of Laws (Honours) and Bachelor of Psychology

🔵RMIT University 

🔘城市设计硕士 Master of Urban Design

🔵Swinburne University of Technology 

🔘会计与簿记 Diploma in Accounting and Bookkeeping

🔵University of Melbourne

🔘商科学士 Bachelor of Commerce

🔘科学学士 Bachelor of Science

🔘中学教育硕士 Master of Teaching (Secondary)


This event is open to everyone, and we welcome Qs students to bring their friends to "broaden their horizons." It's an excellent opportunity to start thinking about the future, gain inspiration, and clarify academic goals. Hurry and register to embark on your journey of exploring your future!

第四学期课程表 Timetable

Study Hub

Box Hill 中学部联系方式

Qs Secondary contacts

Qs SchooI

Phone: (03) 9898 6048

Mobile: 0493 241 366

Email: boxhill@gsschoolgroup.com.au

Address: 18 Ellingworth Parade

                Box Hill, VIC 3128

Website: www.qsschool.com.au

联系我们 Contact us

中小学教育, 高分高能, 情商+学术,奖学金。Qs School,澳洲领先的学生与家长培训专校, 培养心智快乐, 高分高能人才。我们提供精华教育资讯, 实现:情商+学术=卓越成长+快乐人生;提高学习动力和效率; 激发卓越潜能