NAPLAN 考试Year 3语法自测题

文摘   2024-10-21 11:02   云南  

NAPLAN 考试即将来临。语法部分通常是在English Convention 里考,里面还会有一些拼写和英语表达的题。但是观察历年的考试,语法的比重在English Convention 里占到了越来越大的比重。而且,很多学生反馈在学校语法是讲的最少的科目。

The NAPLAN exam is approaching, and the grammar section is usually tested in the English Conventions, which also includes some spelling and English expression questions. However, based on observations of past exams, the proportion of grammar in the English Conventions section has been increasing significantly. Additionally, many students have reported that grammar is the subject taught the least in school.

为了让学生知道自己的语法水平,QS school 英语专项课程项目的老师们特意从历年的考试卷子里提炼了出来一些和语法相关的试题。大家可以先自测一下,标点的运用也是语法中的一项呦。

To help students assess their grammar proficiency, the teachers from the QS School English Special Course Project have extracted some grammar-related questions from past exams. You can take a self-test first, and keep in mind that punctuation usage is also part of grammar.

如果如下试题您的孩子都可以答对,那么基本通过NAPLAN 语法部分的考试就没有太多障碍,如果错误比较多,那么就是给您传递了一个信号。

If your child can answer the following questions correctly, then there should be no major obstacles to passing the grammar section of the NAPLAN exam. However, if there are many mistakes, it serves as a signal for improvement.



Let's do the questions.



请注意语法的学习可不是可以通过快速补课得到提高的。语法是要靠时间的积累慢慢学习的。如果您孩子的自测成绩不是很好,可以参加QS School 的初级语法和写作班的补习。可以在学习语法的同时学习写作。真是报名一科,学习2科呦!

Please note that grammar learning cannot be improved through quick crash courses.Grammar requires time and gradual accumulation of knowledge. If your child's self-test results are not ideal, they can join the QS School’s Primary Application in Writing. This allows them to study both grammar and writing simultaneously—a great way to sign up for one course and learn two!

 Year 4-9 语法在写作中的应用  


 This allows them to study both grammar and writing simultaneously—a great way to sign up for one course and learn two! Join this class and tackle all your reading challenges with lessons taught by teachers with many years of experience at  schools. Spots are limited—don't miss out!


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