Year 1-2 学生看进来!小学生阅读您不知道的那点事

文摘   2024-10-07 16:44   云南  

QS School 采访了2位在日校工作的非常有经验的老师,来分享一下在平时教学时year 1-2 学生们对于阅读的经常犯的错和家长对于低年级英语阅读上的一些误区

QS School interviewed two highly experienced teachers working at day schools to share common mistakes Year 1-2 students make during reading and some misconceptions parents have about English reading for lower grade students.

   来自Jessie Roger 老师分享  

JessieRoger 老师

大部分的低年级学生家长都认为学生会读了一篇文章,那么就是会了。 然而在日校,老师们确还要关注是否可以读懂。有很多学生会读,但是只是读了出来,根本不理解文章意思。有的家长告诉我,他们的还可以整篇用他们的另外一门语言反应出所指定的文章,但是在学校我们老师更多的是考察学生的各种理解能力,比如推断,概括等等,不等于翻译了整篇文章,就是意味着阅读水品比较高。

Most parents of lower grade students believe that if their child can read an article, it means they fully understand it. However, at our school, teachers focus on whether students can comprehend the text. Many students can read aloud but don’t actually grasp the meaning of what they’ve read. Some parents have told me that their children can retell the entire passage in their other language, but in school, we assess students on various comprehension skills like inference, summarizing, and more. Just translating a passage doesn’t necessarily reflect a high level of reading proficiency.


The ice-cream is quickly melting.

当学生读到这句话时,我会问他们你猜到了什么?很多学生是无法回答出来的。 低年级阅读不等于会读了,就是ok啦。

For example:

 "The ice-cream is quickly melting." 

When students read this sentence, I would ask them, "What can you infer?" Many students struggle to answer. In lower grade reading, being able to read the words doesn't mean they fully understand the content.

   来自Paula Amaral 老师分享  

Paula Amaral 老师

在教低年段学生的阅读的时候,我们还会考察学生们的阅读流利度。在日校,我们叫这个Running Record. 学生会被要求一个一个字的读,然后老师会给读过的每一个单词画勾,如果是读对了,如果读错了,我们也会做相对的记录。请看下面的图片就是我们老师经常用的。↓↓↓

hen teaching reading to lower-grade students, we also assess their reading fluency. At our school, we call this a Running Record. Students are asked to read word by word, and the teacher checks off each word that is read correctly. If a word is read incorrectly, we make a note of it. Take a look at the image below, which shows what teachers often use.↓

老师们是从发音(能否可以读出)+是否可以理解综合判读一个孩子的阅读能力的。如果明白意思,但是不会读,或是读错很多发音,或是不能自己纠正,或是自己不敢挑战读出难一点的词汇,这些都算发音phonics 里有问题。 阅读也不会给高分的。

We evaluate a child's reading ability based on pronunciation (whether they can read the words correctly) and comprehension.

If a student understands the meaning but cannot read the words, makes many pronunciation mistakes, or can't self-correct, or even avoids challenging words, these all indicate issues with phonics. In such cases, their reading score won't be high.

QS school 在采访了多位有经验的日校老师后,把阅读和发音合并到一个课程当中,正在的帮助学生提高阅读,拼读,理解和拼写的综合能力。 这个课程就是阅读和发音课程。 Phonics Application in Reading.

After interviewing several experienced teachers from schools, QS School has combined reading and phonics into a single course that helps students improve their reading, phonics, comprehension, and spelling skills. This course is called Phonics Application in Reading. 

 Year 1-3 自然拼读阅读  


 It’s truly a one-course solution for multiple skills. Join this class and tackle all your reading challenges with lessons taught by teachers with many years of experience at Japanese schools. Spots are limited—don't miss out!


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中小学教育, 高分高能, 情商+学术,奖学金。Qs School,澳洲领先的学生与家长培训专校, 培养心智快乐, 高分高能人才。我们提供精华教育资讯, 实现:情商+学术=卓越成长+快乐人生;提高学习动力和效率; 激发卓越潜能