Melbourne Grammar、Lauriston、Wesley College等42所私校奖学金考试最新信息

文摘   2024-10-16 14:18   四川  

Qs School紧跟奖学金考试动态,及时向家长和学生们提供最新报考信息。请注意截止日期,分析奖学金考试时间和学校要求,确定择校策略,并准备材料报名。更多学校信息持续更新中,敬请关注 Qs 公众号或者心仪学校官网。

Qs School keeps up with the scholarship exam dynamics and provides parents and students with the latest information. More schools are registering; please pay attention to the close date and collect your child's materials for registration. School information is continuously being updated. Please pay attention to the Qs official account or the school's website.


As the future rapidly approaches, children not only need to prepare for scholarship exams but also for the challenges of a constantly evolving world. How can we empower them to thrive both personally and academically? How can we identify and develop their soft skills while strengthening core competencies? And how can family education evolve to better support their growth, ensuring that parents grow alongside their children? Our three-part Qs scholarship zoom webinar series offers a deep dive into these questions, fostering meaningful discussions with parents on how to nurture well-rounded, resilient children.

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中小学教育, 高分高能, 情商+学术,奖学金。Qs School,澳洲领先的学生与家长培训专校, 培养心智快乐, 高分高能人才。我们提供精华教育资讯, 实现:情商+学术=卓越成长+快乐人生;提高学习动力和效率; 激发卓越潜能