双语字幕Liver Cirrhosis-Symptoms, Diagnosis and treatment 肝硬化的症状、诊断和治疗 Liver is upper abdominal organ located on the right side of our stomach. It removes chemical wastes from our body.肝脏是位于我们胃右侧的上腹部器官。它能够清除我们体内的化学废物。 If certain reasons cause inflammation of liver and liver cells could not work properly, the liver function will be disturbed and result in formation of scars in damaged area that permanently damage the liver if spread to other parts of liver. This condition is called liver cirrhosis.如果某些原因导致肝脏发炎,肝细胞无法正常工作,那么,肝功能将受到干扰,导致受损区域形成疤痕,如果这种现象蔓延到肝脏的其他部分,则会造成永久性肝损伤。这种情况称为肝硬化。 Causes 病因 Any health problem that damages our liver, can cause liver cirrhosis such as alcohol addiction, infection, and inherited diseases, etc.任何损害我们肝脏的健康问题都会导致肝硬化,如酗酒、感染和遗传性疾病等。
Alcohol addiction
Alcohol metabolizes in our liver. That’s why, if a person will be alcohol addict, the alcohol abuse disturbs the liver function and causes liver cirrhosis.酒精通过我们的肝脏代谢。这就是酗酒者出现肝功能紊乱,导致肝硬化的原因。
Many parasites and viruses such as hepatitis B and C viruses grow in our liver and result in liver inflammation that damages the liver cells and form scar tissue that causes liver cirrhosis.许多寄生虫和乙型肝炎和丙型肝炎等病毒在肝脏中生存,引起肝脏炎症,肝细胞受损,形成疤痕组织,导致肝硬化。
Inherited diseases
During fetus development, if genes of a liver disease transfer from parents to fetus, this condition is called inherited liver disease such as Alagille syndrome etc.胎儿发育期间,如果肝脏疾病基因由父母转移到胎儿,则称为遗传性肝病,如 Alagille 综合征。 Symptoms 症状 Symptoms of liver cirrhosis include loss of appetite, fever, yellowing of skin and eyes, and swelling of lower limbs or legs etc.肝硬化的症状包括食欲不振、发烧、皮肤和眼睛发黄、下肢或腿部肿胀等。 Diagnosis and treatment 诊断和治疗 Blood tests like albumin, imaging tests like CT scan and liver biopsy are used to diagnose the liver cirrhosis.白蛋白等血液检查,CT 扫描等成像检查,以及肝脏活检都用于诊断肝硬化。 Currently, there is no treatment for liver cirrhosis because this condition permanently damages our liver.目前,肝硬化尚无治疗方法,因为这种疾病会造成肝脏永久性损伤。 However, some management therapies such as avoid drinking alcohol, taking anti-viral medicines and hygienic diet etc., can slow down progress of liver cirrhosis.然而,戒酒、服用抗病毒药物,以及卫生饮食等管理方法可以减缓肝硬化的进展。 相关单词学习
①发音和释义 cir•rho•sis/səˈroʊsɪs/n. 肝硬化A chronic disease of the liver in which fibrous tissue replaces normal tissue. 单词 cirrhosis由下列成分构成 kirrh(ós) (源于希腊语)黄色/肝脏+-osis(后缀)病症(图源:太帅图库)