双语字幕Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography(ERCP) 内镜逆行胰胆管造影(ERCP) Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography, ERCP, is a procedure that combines endoscopy and fluoroscopy to diagnose and treat disorders associated with the pancreatic and biliary ductal systems, as well as the liver, gallbladder, and pancreas.内镜逆行胰胆管造影(ERCP)是一种联合应用内镜和荧光透视检查,诊断和治疗胰胆管系统,以及肝脏、胆囊和胰腺相关疾病的手术。 Endoscopy is a medical procedure in which an endoscope, a thin long flexible tube with a light and tiny camera at one end, is inserted into the body to examine an internal organ or tissue in detail.内镜检查是将内窥镜(一种细长的带灯光的柔性管,一端配有微型摄像机)插入身体,检查内部器官或组织的手术。 Fluoroscopy is a medical imaging technology that uses radiography or a continuous x-ray beam passing through your body to produce real-time moving images of a body part being examined on a monitor.荧光透视检查是应用 X 射线或连续 X 线束穿透身体,在监视器上产生所检查身体部位实时运动图像的一种医学成像技术。 Surgical Procedure手术步骤 You will be asked to lie on an examination table for the procedure. The procedure may be performed under sedation and local anesthesia or general anesthesia. An intravenous IV needle will be placed in your arm.患者将被要求躺在诊疗台上。手术将在镇静和局部麻醉,或全身麻醉下进行。医生将在患者手臂上放置静脉注射针。 After administering a local anesthetic to the throat, your doctor will insert an endoscope through your mouth, esophagus, and stomach, to reach the first part of the intestine, called the duodenum where the bile and pancreatic ductal systems open.医生先对患者的喉部进行局部麻醉,然后通过其口腔、食管和胃,将内窥镜插入肠的第一部分--十二指肠(胆管和胰腺导管系统的开口)。 A small camera mounted on the endoscope captures images which are magnified and viewed on a monitor. 内窥镜上配备的小型摄像机将捕获图像,然后医生可以在监视器上放大,观察这些图像。 Your doctor will locate the opening where the bile and pancreatic ducts empty into the duodenum. A catheter will be inserted through the endoscope into the ducts and a special dye called a contrast medium will be injected into the ducts through the catheter to make them more visible on x-rays.医生将定位胆管和胰管进入十二指肠的开口;将导管通过内窥镜插入胆管和胰管;通过导管注入一种称为对比造影剂的特殊染料,使 X 线图像更清晰。 Fluoroscopy, live x-ray Imaging, is performed to identify any areas of blockage or other abnormalities.荧光透视检查(实时 x 线成像)用于发现任何堵塞或其他异常区域。 Your doctor May then pass tiny tools through the endoscope to open blocked or narrow ducts,remove or break up gallstones or excise lesions. Temporary stents may be inserted to keep the ducts open or to avoid bile leaks that can occur after gallbladder surgery.医生随后通过内窥镜插入微型器械,打开堵塞或狭窄的管道,摘除或粉碎胆结石或切除病变组织。医生可能插入临时支架来保持管道畅通,或避免胆囊手术后发生胆汁渗漏。 The procedure often takes between one and two hours.这项手术通常需要 1~2 小时。 相关单词学习
①发音和释义 chol•an•gi•o•pan•cre•a•tog•ra•phy/kəʊlədʒaɪɒpæŋkr'ɪætɒgrəfi/n. 胰胆管造影术Radiographic examination of the bile ducts and pancreas after administration of a contrast medium. 单词 cholangiopancreatography由下列成分构成 cholangio- 胆管+pancreato- 胰+-graphy(后缀)记录法,术(图源:太帅图库)
en•dos•co•py/enˈdɑːskəpi/n. 内窥镜检查,内镜检查An examination by means of an endoscope. 单词 endoscopy由下列成分构成 endo-(前缀)在内+-scopy(后缀)检查(图源:太帅图库)
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