双语字幕 Lactose Intolerance 乳糖不耐受 The digestive system consists of specialized organs and glands that process food and supply nutrients to body cells. The digestive organs form a continuous tube called the gastrointestinal tract. 消化系统由处理食物和为身体细胞提供营养的专门器官和腺体组成。消化器官形成的连续的管道称为胃肠道。 In normal digestion, swallowed food moves down the esophagus and into the stomach, where the food is broken down into smaller particles. 正常消化过程中,吞咽的食物沿食管下行,进入胃,在胃内,被分解为较小的颗粒。 From the stomach, these particles enter the small intestine, where enzymes from the pancreas, liver, and the intestinal lining breakdown the particles into nutrient molecules. Along the lining of the small intestine, cellular projections called microvilli absorb the nutrients as well as water, sugars, and fats. 这些颗粒从胃进入小肠,被胰腺、肝脏和肠道内壁释放的酶分解为营养分子。小肠内壁上称为微绒毛的细胞突起将吸收营养物质,以及水、糖分和脂肪。 Unabsorbed food particles move into the large intestine which absorbs more water and salts. The remaining material enters the rectum, where it will stored until it exits the body as solid waste called feces. 未被吸收的食物颗粒继续进入大肠,吸收更多地水和盐。残余的物质进入直肠进行储存,然后以称为粪便的固体废物形式排出体外。 Lactose intolerance is an example of abnormal digestion. Lactose is the major carbohydrate in milk and milk products. 乳糖不耐受是一种异常的消化过程。乳糖是牛奶和乳制品的主要碳水化合物。 Normally, ingestion of lactose stimulates cells lining the small intestine to secrete a digestive enzyme called lactase. Lactase divides the lactose into simple sugar molecules which are easily absorbed. 通常,摄入乳糖会刺激小肠内壁细胞分泌一种称为乳糖酶的消化酶。乳糖酶将乳糖分解成易于吸收的单糖分子。 In lactose intolerance, lactase is either absent or insufficient. After ingestion of food containing lactose, no lactase is available to break it down. As a result, lactose accumulates in the small intestine which disrupts normal water absorption, causing water retention. 乳糖不耐受患者缺失乳糖酶或乳糖酶不足。摄入含有乳糖的食物后,没有乳糖酶能够分解乳糖。因此,乳糖将在小肠中积聚,破坏正常的水分吸收,导致水潴留。 The unabsorbed water and undigested lactose enter the large intestine, where bacteria metabolize the lactose. This process generates gas that fills the large intestine, causing abdominal pain and flatulence. 未被吸收的水和未被消化的乳糖进入大肠,大肠内的细菌将代谢乳糖。这个过程会产生气体,使大肠充满气体,引起腹痛和胀气。 In addition, lactose in the large intestine causes water retention, producing watery feces known as diarrhea. 此外,大肠中的乳糖会导致水潴留,产生水样粪便,即腹泻。 While there is no cure for lactose intolerance, treatments include taking lactase tablets before eating foods containing lactose, using lactase enzyme drops in milk, and drinking lactose-free milk.乳糖不耐受没有治愈方法,但有治疗手段,如在进食含有乳糖的食物前服用乳糖酶片,饮用乳糖酶滴剂牛奶和无乳糖牛奶。 相关单词学习
Lactose Intolerance
lac•tose in•tol•er•ance/ˈlæktoʊs ɪnˈtɑːlərəns/n. 乳糖不耐受 A disorder characterized by abdominal cramps and diarrhea after consumption of food that contains lactose.
《消化系统生理学与疾病病理》(课时:28) 课程应用精美英语动画,讲解消化系统生理学基础,吞咽困难,GERD或胃食管反流,Roux-en-Y胃旁路术,胃袖状切除术,胆囊结石等内容,形象生动,通俗易懂。Cease to struggle and you cease to live. 生命不息,奋斗不止。 全彩 3D 医学双语(中英)视频公众号↓↓↓ 戳“阅读原文”,查看全部视频课程