双语字幕Muscles of the tongue 舌肌 In today's tutorial, we'll have a look at the anatomy of these muscles including their actions, their vascular supply and their innervation. 在今天的教程中,我们将介绍舌肌的解剖学,包括它的作用、血管供应和神经支配。 So, here, we can see an anterior coronal view of the tongue. To give some context, we can see the hard palate here and the hyoid bone here. 在这里,我们看到的是舌的前冠状视图。根据背景知识,我们看到,这是硬腭,这是舌骨。 Now, the tongue consists of two groups of muscles. We have the intrinsic muscles and the extrinsic muscles. The intrinsic muscles consist of the superior longitudinal muscle, the vertical muscle, the transverse muscle, and the inferior longitudinal muscle. 舌由两组肌肉组成。我们有舌内肌和舌外肌。舌内肌包括上纵肌、舌垂直肌、舌横肌和下纵肌。 We then have the extrinsic muscles which consist of genioglossus, hyoglossus, styloglossus, and palatoglossus. After we discuss these muscles, we will be looking into some clinical notes relating to them. 然后,我们有舌外肌,包括颏舌肌、舌骨舌肌、茎突舌肌、腭舌肌。在讨论这些肌肉之后,我们将复习一些相关的临床笔记。 But before we do that, let me give you a bit of an introduction to the tongue and its muscles. The tongue is a muscular organ that helps form the floor of the oral cavity. 但在此之前,我给大家介绍一下舌及其肌肉。舌是有助于形成口腔底的一种肌肉器官。 It has three main functions – deglutition or swallowing, gustation or taste, and phonation or speech. It consists of a root which is the posterior third of the tongue and a body which is the anterior two-thirds.它有 3 大功能:吞咽、品味和发音。舌由舌根和舌体组成,舌根是舌的后 1/3 部分,舌体是前 2/3 部分。 The dorsum of the tongue is divided into two halves by the median sulcus which is located on the body of the tongue here. So, in the next image, we can see the coronal view of the tongue and its muscles.舌体中央是舌正中沟,它将舌背分成两半。在下一张图像中,我们可以看到舌和舌肌的冠状视图。 Highlighted here is the lingual mucosa which is usually pink and moist. This is the part of the tongue that covers the dorsum of the tongue and contains papillae and nerve endings for the sense of taste.这里加亮的部分是舌黏膜,它一般呈粉红色,且湿润。这是覆盖舌背的部分,包含舌乳头和味觉神经末梢。 For more on the lingual papillae and how they perceive taste, please take a look on our website for a video on the lingual papillae. So, in the next image, we can see all of the tongue highlighted in green. It is separated into left and right halves by the vertical lingual septum which underlies the median sulcus and continues down to attach to the hyoid bone. 更多关于舌乳头,及其如何感知味觉的信息,请查阅视频舌乳头解剖及其功能丨医学英语视听学习。下一张图像,我们可以看到所有舌都以绿色加亮显示。它被舌中隔垂直分为左右两半,舌中隔位于舌正中沟下方,并继续向下附着在舌骨上。 The tongue consists of eight pairs of muscles which are located bilaterally on either side of the lingual septum. 舌由位于舌中隔两侧的 8 对肌肉组成。 Four of these muscles are intrinsic muscles which are located within the tongue itself and are highlighted here in this image. The other four muscles are located outside the tongue and are referred to as extrinsic muscles. 其中 4 块是舌内肌,它们位于舌内,如图中加亮部分所示。另外 4 块位于舌外,称为舌外肌。 The intrinsic muscles act to change the shape of the tongue whereas the extrinsic muscles are involved in the movement of the tongue.舌内肌的作用是改变舌头的形状,而舌外肌则是参与舌头的运动。 So let's start off by looking at the extrinsic muscles of the tongue. 我们先来看一下舌外肌。 The first extrinsic muscle we'll look at is the genioglossus muscle. This muscle originates from the mental spines of the mandible and inserts at the bottom of the tongue and the hyoid bone. 我们将介绍的第一种舌外肌是颏舌肌。颏舌肌起自下颌骨颏棘,止于舌底和舌骨。 The main actions of the genioglossus is to protrude or stick out the tongue. It also acts to depress the tongue. 颏舌肌的主要作用是伸舌或探出舌头。它也能够压低舌头。 相关单词学习
①发音和释义 ge•ni•o•glos•sus/dʒin'ɪɒɡlɒsəs/n. 颏舌肌Either of a pair of muscles that connect the jaw and tongue and that depress and protrude the tongue. 单词 genioglossus由下列成分构成 genio- 颏+glossus 舌肌(图源:太帅图库)
hy•o•glos•sus/ha'ɪəʊɡlɒsəs/n. 舌骨舌肌A muscle whose action retracts and pulls down the side of the tongue. 单词 hyoglossus由下列成分构成 hyo- 舌骨+glossus 舌肌
sty•lo•glos•sus/staɪloʊ'glɒsəs/n. 茎突舌肌Relating to the styloid process and the tongue. 单词 styloglossus由下列成分构成 stylo- 茎突+glossus 舌肌(图源:太帅图库)