本期更新了荷兰地区五所院校:代尔夫特理工大学、阿姆斯特丹大学、埃因霍温理工大学、格罗宁根大学、瓦赫宁恩大学,将于2024年1-2月招募截止的博士岗位信息。其中涉及的领域包括:建筑、城规、交通、交互、机器人、智能制造,以及相关主题如:建筑全生命周期与循环经济研究、建筑能耗与储能技术应用、生成式人工智能与数字建造、城市疾病预防与健康公平、气候适应性城市设计与可持续性管理、增强现实与服务机器人应用、 人工智能交通运输系统优化、数字孪生与MaaS智能移动解决方案等。
Delft University of Technology
PhD-Physical Activity in Urban Environments
# 城市环境因素对人群身体活动与健康的影响
Urban environmental impact on physical activity and public health
# 疾病预防, 城市医疗系统与健康不平等问题
Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment
14 Jan, 2024
In 2022, the first-ever WHO Global Status Report on Physical Activity highlighted that almost 500 million people will develop heart disease, obesity, diabetes, or other non-communicable diseases (NCDs) associated with physical inactivity over the next decade, with significant negative effects on mental health and quality of life. The economic burden of physical inactivity is significant with costs of treating new cases of preventable NCDs reaching nearly US$ 300 billion by 2030. Countries need to accelerate the development and implementation of policies to increase physical activity and thereby prevent disease and reduce the burden on already-overwhelmed healthcare systems. In addition to the health benefits of physical activity promotion strategies, shifts toward more active forms of travel and recreation can also contribute to reducing the impact of travel on climate change.
This Ph.D. project will investigate the relationships between natural and built environments, health inequities, and climate exposures related to physical activity in vulnerable populations, aligning with the following strategic objectives:
Objective 1:
Investigate the relationships between environmental factors and disparities in physical activity and related health outcomes in vulnerable populations.
PhD-Spatial Design of Future Deltaic Systems
# 三角洲环境规划, 水文环境变迁与空间干预措施
Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment
4 Feb, 2024
Because of climate change, low lying and deltaic territories are facing threats like sea level rise, exceptional floods, heavy rain falls, even drought and heat stress. In the last two centuries, dealing with water in the Netherlands has meant mostly ‘protection’ and so far the spatial study about hydrologic cycles changes has been confined to the perspective of the engineering domains. This attitude partially neglected the potential role of spatial design disciplines (architecture, landscape, urbanism) that were much more involved before technology made everything possible. With the aim to establish a systemic awareness, a shift of the way we do research on water systems is crucial. The research project requires experimentations with innovative tools and methodologies that cross the boundaries between the delta related specialisms. It aims to develop adaptive design methods and spatial interventions combining climate data and projection modeling tools.
PhD -Computational Design and Fabrication
# 计算设计, 生成式设计与计算机图形学
9 Feb, 2024
Salary and benefits are in accordance with the Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch Universities, increasing from € 2,770 per month in the first year to € 3,539 in the fourth year.
Additive manufacturing holds the promise to manufacture with less waste and energy, and to deliver the optimal quality for products ranging from customized medical implants to lightweight airplane parts. Design by structural optimization is key to reach the optimal quality. However, besides the structural design, the quality of AM-fabricated components also critically depends on the fabrication sequence to realize it. While inherently related, structural design and fabrication process planning have up till now been treated as two consecutive tasks. This often leads to optimized designs that are not manufacturable, or can only be produced with compromised quality and substantial cost increases.
The Project presents a new paradigm in computational design for additive manufacturing. We aim at closing the gap between the performance of the as-designed and the as-fabricated components. The basic idea is to encode fabrication sequences by introducing the time dimension. With this, we formulate (spatial) structural design and (temporal) fabrication process planning as a unified optimization problem in the space-time domain, and thus the concept, space-time optimization. Space-time optimization exploits simultaneously the design freedom as well as the freedom in fabrication sequence, offered by current (and future) AM technologies. This will enable AM to deliver on its promise.
TUDelft-SpaceTimeOpt 项目相关导师 Dr. Jun Wu与过往论文:Space-Time Topology Optimization for Additive Manufacturing-Concurrent Optimization of Structural Layout and Fabrication Sequence
PhD-Human-Computer Interaction
# 数字设备和智能阅读界面设计
Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering
31 Jan, 2024
Salary and benefits are in accordance with the Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch Universities, increasing from € 2,770 per month in the first year to € 3,539 in the fourth year.
The successful candidate will be working on a research agenda around intelligent reading interfaces. Reading is one of the most common and prominent ways to acquire knowledge but is also taken up as a leisure activity. While text tends to lead a rather static life on paper pages and screens, digital devices allow us to adapt the reading experience according to contextual factors, such as the text content, readers’ intention, underlying mood, etc.. This type of user and context awareness allows for adjustable reading interfaces and controls to support two fundamentally different types of reading activities:
PhD-Human-Robot Interaction Design
# 设备戏剧学, 以表演艺术为基础的人机交互方法
Improvement of appearance and behavior of service robots (hotel scenario)
# 增强现实技术与机器人的酒店服务应用
Hotel service applications of augmented reality and robots
Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering
——The candidate will be supervised jointly by Dr. Marco Rozendaal (Delft University of Technology), Prof.dr. Koen Hindriks (Social AI group, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam), and Prof. Dr. Maaike Bleeker (Theatre and Performance Studies, Utrecht University).
21 Jan, 2024
Salary and benefits are in accordance with the Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch Universities, increasing from € 2,770 per month in the first year to € 3,539 in the fourth year.
The Dramaturgy for Devices project aims at designing sustained relationships with robots and other smart technologies. It will explore the value of the performing arts as a motor for innovation and reflection in a high-tech society and demonstrate how collaboration with the performing arts can be a game changer regarding the development of the behaviour of and interaction with robots and other technological agents. Robots are increasingly part of our daily lives, yet they still lack many skills needed for social interaction and communication. Addressing this gap requires innovative approaches, tools and methods for developing interactions with robots in a diversity of social contexts.
This PhD-project focuses on exploring how the appearance and behaviour of service robots can foster their embedding in hospitality settings. Drawing inspiration from practices in Theatre and Dance, the goal is to explore how nonanthropomorphic service robots can be framed as social actors, identify relevant interaction qualities, and leveraging a robot's expressiveness to let these qualities emerge during interaction. Augmented Reality systems (AR) will be explored as a promising technique for this purpose. Situated within research project "Dramaturgy for Devices: Designing Sustained Relationships with Robots and other Smart Objects," this PhD project involves close collaboration with experts in the Performing Arts, Robotics, and the Hospitality sector. By engaging in a research-through-design process the skills and knowledge integrated from these fields are expected to produce both concrete design proposals and academic knowledge.
项目相关导师 Dr. Marco Rozendaal,Prof. Koen Hindriks,Prof. Maaike Bleeker
PhD-Big Data Analytics and AI in Port Performance Optimization-Infrastructure State and Infrastructure Use
# 全球物流网络与港口/航道绩效分析
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences
28 Jan, 2024
Ports serve as critical nodes in the global logistics network, acting as key facilitators of international trade and commerce. The efficient operation of ports is key for ensuring the timely and secure movement of goods across the world. Ports play a pivotal role in connecting nations, enabling the smooth flow of imports and exports, and contributing significantly to economic development. The infrastructure of ports, including breakwaters, access channels, turning circles, harbor basins, terminals, quay walls and equipment, and physical environmental aspects like bed levels, water levels, currents, waves, and wind, profoundly influence the way ports operate. Recognizing the interplay between infrastructure, the physical environment, and efficiency is crucial for optimizing port performance.
PhD position 1: Infrastructure State.
The core objective of this position is to identify added value for port applications at the strategic level. You will tackle a range of complex problems, with a primary focus on port accessibility and dredging strategies. This entails a nuanced examination of how maintaining different bed levels can impact port performance, optimize dredging costs, integrate with tidal windows, and adhere to priority rules to achieve a desired service level. The scope of your PhD extends to critical areas such as asset management, infrastructure monitoring, predictive maintenance, infrastructure resilience, space requirements, and infrastructure investments.
PhD position 2: Infrastructure Use.
The primary goal of this position is to uncover added value for port applications at the operational level. Your focus will be on addressing diverse challenges, with a central emphasis on Port Nautical Safety. This involves the analysis of moving vessels, requiring the use of AIS and other sources of data, and translating this information into insightful assessments of trips and loads. The scope of your PhD will extend to crucial operational aspects such as port call scheduling and queue management, optimizing logistics chain performance in terms of trips and capacity, and implementing real-time monitoring with anomaly detection mechanisms.
SmartPort Rotterdam 的官方介绍页面,项目相关导师 Prof. Mark van Koningsveld,Dr. Alex Kirichek,Dr. Nadia Pourmohammadzia
PhD-Contextural Human Behavior Recognition and Generation with Large Behavior Model
# 智能系统, 用户行为感知与移情交互问题
Intelligent systems, user behavior perception, and empathetic interaction
# 计算机视觉与文本编码器
Computer vision and text encoders
# 非语言行为和多模式社会互动模型开发
Nonverbal behavior and multimodal social interaction model development
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics & Computer Science
15 Feb, 2024
Intelligent systems are believed to have a significant role in addressing pressing issues such as industrial labor, personalized healthcare, and household chores in our daily lives. However, for intelligent systems to be widely accepted, they must be capable of perceiving and interpreting human movements while naturally interacting with users like a human would.
This PhD project has the objective of creating an AI system that can comprehend and model human states and nonverbal behavior to realize empathetic interaction in the wild. We propose to build such systems using Computer Vision for interpreting input signals from humans’ body pose, hand pose, eye gaze, facial expression, and tones as input from the user, and also consider contextual information such as objects and scenes. For this purpose, we must develop nonverbal behavior and multimodal social interaction models as a holistic representation of interaction dynamics. We will explore pre-trained large language models in a visual setting, and investigate training with a self-collected human behavior dataset to construct a Large Contextural and Behavior Model (LCBM). We plan to use Computer Vision and text encoders to perceive the input from the human user and surrounding information as input to the LCBM. The output from LCBM will be used to generate the reaction of the AI agent as the natural response to the human user. Finally, we will deploy the proposed AI system to a real robot to evaluate its practicality together with our industrial partner Honda Research Institute in Japan. We believe that our proposed system will largely increase the use case of AI agents in real-world applications.
PhD-Computer Science on Algorithms for Planning and Monitoring for Reliable Automation
# 随机规划, 强化学习与智能规划
Stochastic programming, reinforcement learning, and AI planning
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics & Computer Science
9 Jan, 2024
Salary and benefits are in accordance with the Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch Universities, increasing from € 2770 per month in the first year to € 3539 in the fourth year.
The main difference between offline design and online deployment of automation is that the real world can exhibit changes not accounted for in a simulated environment. The challenge of this project is to develop novel methodology and algorithms to detect when replanning is necessary, and to resolve violations, possibly according to human feedback.
TUDelft-Algorithmics Group, 项目相关导师 Dr. Anna Lukina, Prof.Dr. Mathijs de Weerdt
University of Amsterdam
PhD-Prototypes for Socially Just Transitions in the Housing-Energy Nexus
# 住房负担能力与不平等问题, 和可持续住房保障
Department of Geography, Planning and International Development Studies
7 Jan, 2024
Your salary will be €2,770 gross per month in the first year and will increase to €3,539 in the final year, based on full-time employment and in keeping with the Collective Labour Agreement of Dutch Universities. We additionally offer an extensive package of secondary benefits, including 8% holiday allowance and a year-end bonus of 8.3%.
In this challenging social, political and economic context, PREFIGURE puts the spotlight on existing and emerging individual and collective efforts to actively produce alternative and innovative practices triggering a more just and sustainable housing security and energy transition. The project aims at identifying, tracing, analysing and networking emerging and active ‘prototypes of change’ with regard to the housing-energy efficiency/energy poverty nexus. Such ‘prototypes of change’ are an array of structured social, political and economic practices of innovation contributing to affordable housing renovation schemes, and solution concepts targeting housing inequalities favouring vulnerable households and communities.
Access to affordable housing is a crucial challenge for many million tenants across Europe, affecting exceptionally women-led single-parent households, ethnic minorities, refugees, and other non-privileged groups with low income. The recent sharp increase in energy prices has consolidated existing social vulnerabilities. The result is that energy poverty and housing inequalities are mutually reinforcing each other. Furthermore, homeowners and professional housing companies are also facing substantial financial constraints because of the need to conduct fast, large-scale deep renovations of the existing housing stock to achieve higher energy efficiency, which has now a lower profitability and higher financing costs, due to increased interest rates.
As a PhD candidate, you will be an integral part of the PREFIGURE project. In PREFIGURE, the University of Amsterdam research team will take the lead in theorizing the housing/energy nexus and in developing a methodology to scrutinize active and emerging prototypes of change; these will be social, political and economic practices of innovation in delivering energy and housing that contribute to affordable housing renovation schemes and favour vulnerable households and communities. The project aims to provide in-depth understanding of these incentives, of what drives them of how and why they evolve and if and how they can be scaled up.
UvA research group-Urban Planning, 项目相关导师 Prof. Maria Kaika,Dr. Mendel Giezen
Eindhoven University of Technology
PhD-The Role of Energy Storage in Staying Within Carbon Budgets
# 可再生能源系统与储能技术
Built Environment
14 Jan, 2024
In the EU, the use and construction of buildings is responsible for approximately 40% of final energy consumption, more than a third of CO2 emissions, a third of water consumption, more than half of all extracted materials, and a third of waste production. The primary focus to reduce these impacts has been on yearly energy performance, with European regulation currently obligating new construction to be built with a ‘near-zero’ energy performance. As part of the Renovation Wave and the updated EPBD, the EU is intending to introduce voluntary indicators related to the Global Warming Potential based on the building's life-cycle carbon emissions. The intention is to align these requirements with remaining carbon budgets. Both the methods to measure a buildings operational carbon emissions, as well as the methods to relate the target for a building’s life-cycle carbon emissions to the carbon budgets, are not developed at this stage.
This PhD project review, select and implement an existing method to determine the dynamic operational carbon emissions of buildings through dynamic building simulation, and translate various climate change mitigation pathways to carbon budgets for the existing housing stock. The PhD will evaluate if and how the implementation of this approach would affect the decision-making of the sustainable renovation of the housing stock. In addition, the second part of the PhD project will develop a method to support decision-making regarding the implementation of short and long term energy storage technologies to reduce carbon emissions and stay within carbon budgets. The financial feasibility, and conditions under which this feasibility could be improved, are also reviewed. Energy systems and storage technologies at neighborhood scale are outside of the scope of this study, the focus is on all-electric heating systems.
项目关联研究组 Building Performance的官方介绍页面,项目相关导师 Dr. Lisanne Havea
PhD-Integrated Mobility Service for Passengers and Parcels
# 数字孪生, MaaS, 与智能移动解决方案
Built Environment
11 Feb, 2024
Salary and benefits (such as a pension scheme, paid pregnancy and maternity leave, partially paid parental leave) in accordance with the Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch Universities, scale P (min. €2,770 max. €3,539). A year-end bonus of 8.3% and annual vacation pay of 8%.
Increasing housing density and decreasing space for transport infrastructure and private parking are posing severe challenges to the sustainable accessibility of urban regions. There is an urgent need for space-efficient smart mobility solutions that do not depend on the single-use and possession of a private car, such as flexible combinations of walking and cycling, shared electric vehicles, transport hubs, freight delivery and traffic management. However, it is highly uncertain whether these solutions can indeed provide sufficient levels of sustainable accessibility to people’s activities. XCARCITY, the project of which this PhD position is part, develops a federation of digital twins that will support stakeholders in collaborative decision-making for the planning and operation of smart mobility services.
The task of this PhD in particular is as follows:
1) Identifying the acceptance, adoption rate, and barriers in the use of MaaS and integrating it with last-mile parcel delivery. Passengers, recipients and drivers of demand-responsive transports will be among the stakeholders who will be approached.
2) Investigating an appropriate business model in each pilot area for the integrated system is yet another one of the objectives which will be explored by arranging workshops with stakeholders and having an intensive discussion of the pros and cons of various integration scheme and associated business models.
Two pilot studies, one in Amsterdam and one in Rotterdam will take place to calibrate the parameters of the model developed for adoption and acceptance.
The parcel demand, passenger demand, and combined travel needs to be integrated into the digital twin so that the state of the multi-modal network (dynamic network design) on the service operation can be understood.
TU/e Urban Planning and Transportation Research Group, 项目相关导师 Prof. Soora Rasouli与XCARCITY项目介绍
PhD-Human-AI Collaboration in Remanufacturing Work Processes
# 人工智能和机器人系统对于工作安全、效率和员工福祉的影响
The influence of AI and robotic systems on working safety, efficiency, and employee well-being
# 以员工为中心的系统再造
Employee-centered production systems for remanufacturing
# 流程设计,增强技术,与员工教育平台开发
Process design, augmenting technologies, and educational platform development
Industrial Engineering and Innovation Sciences
31 Jan, 2024
Salary and benefits (such as a pension scheme, paid pregnancy and maternity leave, partially paid parental leave) in accordance with the Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch Universities, scale P (min. €2,770 max. €3,539). A year-end bonus of 8.3% and annual vacation pay of 8%.
AI or robotic systems are changing the way of work in many industries. AI and robots might be implemented to assist employees, to decrease workload, to increase employee safety, or to increase efficiency, among others. The increasing implementation of AI and robots in workplaces requires empirical research on the co-existence of people and robotic systems in the workplace. Rather than focusing on technological possibilities, this project explicitly has an employee focus. How do AI and robotic systems affect work design and employee well-being? What is necessary to enable employees to effectively collaborate with these systems? What knowledge, skills, and abilities do employees need to successfully adapt to the changes in their work? These and related questions will be examined within the context of the HORIZON Europe project RENEE, which focuses on remanufacturing of used products, thereby contributing to a circular, climate neutral and sustainable economy. RENEE aims at developing, implementing, and deploying resilient and employee-centered production systems for remanufacturing. A set of newly developed AI and robotic technologies will be implemented to complement employees’ capabilities, and a remanufacturing dedicated educational platform will be launched such that employees can be upskilled/reskilled.
This PhD-project will generate knowledge on ways to strengthen employee capabilities for remanufacturing through human-centric process design, implementation of augmenting technologies, and the development of an educational platform for employee development. Specifically, you will:
(1) Analyze current work design (demands, resources) to identify weak points and suggest improvements;
(2) Study the impact of (characteristics of) AI and robot technologies on work design, human-AI collaboration and employee well-being;
(3) Identify the knowledge, skills, and abilities that employees need to successfully adapt to changed ways of working, and
(4) Develop training materials and offer trainings to employees to facilitate successful adaptation to the new work situation.
PhD-Logistics for Fully Circular Processes in Prefabricated Modular Construction
# 预制和模块化建造
Industrial Engineering and Innovation Sciences
15 Jan, 2024
Salary and benefits (such as a pension scheme, paid pregnancy and maternity leave, partially paid parental leave) in accordance with the Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch Universities, scale P (min. €2,770 max. €3,539). A year-end bonus of 8.3% and annual vacation pay of 8%.
This PhD position is part of the research project 'Modular prefabricated construction: a circular asset management system for closed-loop supply and logistics chains' awarded within the TKI Dinalog innovation program for Construction Logistics and Mobile Equipment – Clean and Emission-Free Construction Logistics. The research project is aimed at accelerating the transition towards a circular economy through a digitally integrated closed-loop supply chain for prefabricated modular construction and focuses on three main goals: 1) a roadmap for transitioning to a digitally integrated circular supply/value chain, 2) a prototype digital twin for scenario analysis for off-site logistics planning, and 3) a prototype information system for digital product flows in the chain.
This PhD position is associated specifically to goals (1) and (2). The roadmap will set a clear line of sight for syndicates of stakeholders on the steps for transitioning to a digitally integrated closed-loop supply/value chain, with emphasis on the integrative mechanisms to create added value for the entire process. This will entail the development of a framework to analyse and redesign the value chain by focusing on the alignment between assets, processes and organizations based on system engineering approaches. The digital twin will enable scenario analysis for decision-making to develop coordinated production, offsite logistics and onsite assembly/disassembly planning which include the return and reuse of modules/parts. The digital twin will serve as a tool to support the automation of circular construction processes. Construction industrialization, typical of prefabricated modular concepts, makes the construction process a unique mix of manufacturing operations for off-site production of modules, logistics operations for transport and storing of modules and parts, and on-site assembly for finalizing building construction. The interaction and coupling between production, supply chain/logistics activities and onsite activities is made even stronger and more challenging to control and optimize when circularity strategies (including reuse and remanufacturing) are included. This calls for innovative integrated decision support tools for coordinating production, logistics and recovery planning to properly synchronize activities and ensure a seamless and sustainable construction process, thus unlocking the true potential for circularity of prefabricated modular concepts.
PhD-Digital Product Flow for Circularity in Modular Construction
# 建筑物流的循环资产管理系统
Circular asset management system for construction logistics
# 建筑链接数据,BIM建模与网络资产管理
Linked building data, BIM modeling, and network asset management
Industrial Engineering and Innovation Sciences
15 Jan, 2024
Salary and benefits (such as a pension scheme, paid pregnancy and maternity leave, partially paid parental leave) in accordance with the Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch Universities, scale P (min. €2,770 max. €3,539). A year-end bonus of 8.3% and annual vacation pay of 8%.
This PhD position is part of the research project 'Modular prefabricated construction: a circular asset management system for closed-loop supply and logistics chains' . The research project is aimed at accelerating the transition towards a circular economy through a digitally integrated closed-loop supply chain for prefabricated modular construction and focuses on three main goals: 1) a roadmap for transitioning to a digitally integrated circular supply/value chain, 2) a prototype digital twin for scenario analysis for off-site logistics planning, and 3) a prototype information system for digital product flows in the chain.
This PhD position is associated to the goal (3), the networked information system for digital product flows. In this position, you will be working on the topic: Circular Asset Management System for Construction Logistics. Your role in this project will be to work on:
(1) Design of a peer to peer information system that can enable data sharing across key stakeholders in the supply chain for digital product flows (Digital Product Platform – DPP);
(2) A service-oriented architecture that relies on Linked Building Data (LBD) and BIM modelling principles to perform asset management in a networked manner;
(3) Implementation of a working web-based DPP software prototype that can be brought to market;
(4) Research on the temporal aspect of materials travelling over time through the DPP, including take-back and track-and-trace models.
TU/e项目关联研究组 Operations, Planning, Accounting and Control Group-OPAC, Information Systems in the Built Environment Group-ISBE中的相关项目;项目相关导师 Dr. Pieter Pauwels 和 Dr. Claudia Fecarotti
University of Groningen
PhD-Disabled City Project (1,0 fte)
# 无障碍城市建设与包容性城市社区
Building barrier-free city and inclusive urban communities
Faculty of Spatial Sciences
4 Feb, 2024
A starting salary of € 2,770 gross per month for full working hours, up to a maximum of € 3,539 in the final year.A year-end bonus of 8.3% and annual vacation pay of 8%.
People with physical limitations, such as wheelchair users, experience a mismatch between their mobility options and the activities they can undertake in the city. This mismatch hinders their social participation and has a negative effect on their well-being. The unique Disabled City research project therefore develops a multidisciplinary perspective on a healthy and inclusive city for people with physical disabilities by combining rehabilitation and exercise sciences with urban planning.
For this project we are looking for an enthusiastic PhD candidate who will develop an innovative methodology. This consists of three ingredients:
1) Better understanding the mobility experiences of people with physical limitations by combining card-based questionnaires, interviews and measurements of the physical activity of people with physical limitations.
2) Experiments with policy makers and students to improve their skills to identify and remove challenges in mobility.
3) Determining the ingredients for inclusive urban neighborhoods together with the various stakeholders such as people with a physical disability, their family members, healthcare and welfare professionals, planners and policy makers. This will result in innovative solutions, driven by insights from 'patients'.
Through its multidisciplinary approach, the Disabled City project contributes to more inclusive urban neighborhoods for everyone, with a focus on people with physical disabilities. The Disabled City project is one of the so-called M20 projects of the research schools of the University of Groningen. It contributes to the mission of the Aletta Jacobs School of Public Health: more healthy years of life.
格罗宁根大学 Faculty of Spatial Sciences 中的研究主题与项目相关导师 Prof. Louise Meijering
Wageningen University & Research
PhD-Peri-Urban Land and Water Commons in the Global North and South
# 城郊景观水资源的可持续性与冲突
Conflicts and sustainability of water resources in peri-urban landscapes
Sociology of Development & Change Group (Social Sciences), Landscape Architecture and Spatial Planning Group (Environmental Sciences)
15 Jan, 2024
The gross salary for the first year is € 2,770 - per month rising to € 3,539,- in the fourth year in according to the Collective Labour Agreements for Dutch Universities (CAO-NU) (scale P).
We have an excitingPhD position shared by the two chair groups: ①Sociology of Development & Change and ②Landscape Architecture and Spatial Planning. The PhD will be part of the research project ‘Peri-urban commons and resource conflicts in the urbanising world’ (Peri-commons). The project seeks to explain the mechanisms underlying processes of decommoning and recommoning in several countries: what can peri-urban commons contribute to the socio-ecological system of urban and rural stakeholders, how do conflicts arise, and how are they governed - through collective action and planned interventions?
Traditionally peri-urban areas and its commons functioned as natural buffer zones and provide ecosystem services for both urban and rural dwellers, in the global South and North. However, processes of urbanization and accompanied land use changes create conditions for decommoning as the state takes - or has taken - over the commons to build city's infrastructure and amenities. At present, several conflicts are exacerbating in peri-urban spaces due to water and climate insecurity and rapid urban agglomeration.
In this project, we will analyze the interplay between different state and non-state actors, and their effects on building resilient ecosystems in the rural-urban fringe. The project will follow an interpretive case study methodology to analyze decommoning and recommoning practices of the peri-urban commons in Spain, Scotland, the Netherlands, and India.
You will:
1) Explaining mechanisms that are responsible for the depletion and restoration of commons in peri-urban spaces?
2) Second, what are the emerging conflicts related to access and control over land and water commons in peri-urban areas? The question particularly expands upon how processes of decommoning and recommoning are leading to conflicts between the state and impacted communities.
3) Lastly, how are these conflicts are (self)governed (or not) – including what consensual approaches are emerging in these conflicting trajectories, and with what results?
项目所属两个研究组的官方介绍:Sociology of Development & Change,Landscape Architecture and Spatial Planning