British contestant Solo Uniacke, son of Hollywood actress Rosamund Pike, won the global championship at the 4th "Chinese Bridge" World Primary School Chinese Show in Tianjin on October 26.
“尤子君妈妈”是好莱坞著名演员,凭借电影《消失的爱人》提名第87届奥斯卡金像奖最佳女主角,金球奖影后裴淳华(Rosamund Pike)。
After the finals, Solo shared in an interview that he began learning Chinese at age two and has now studied it for ten years, expressing a deep love for Chinese culture and people. Rosamund Pike has previously mentioned that her husband is self-taught in Chinese and also teaches it to their two sons.
裴淳华一家子都是中国通。2015年,为了宣传电影《消失的爱人》(Gone Girl),裴淳华来到中国,分享了自己中文名字的由来。
她表示,之前的中文名字是由英文Rosamund Pike音译过来的,太长了,于是会中文的男友帮她取了“裴淳华”这个名字,她认为一个好听的中文名字既是对中国观众的尊重,也是对自己的尊重。
裴 is very much like my surname Pike.
淳, I love the idea of straightforwardness, simplicity, honesty, openness and frankness.
华 is a symbol for China and it also encompasses the idea of flowers. And in English, my name means "rose of the world".