
学术   2024-10-22 17:39   河北  

hello大家好!作家、发明家、计算机科学家、谷歌首席未来学家雷·库兹韦尔(Ray Kurzweil)去年在接受《花花公子》杂志专访时表示,在不远的将来,技术将让我们变得更聪明、更健康,血液中的纳米机器人将可以纠正DNA错误,人类将在2029年开始实现永生远距离的性爱将发生。

看着很荒谬,但......Ray Kurzweil并不是空有一张嘴,他曾预测到了上世纪90年代,全球互联网使用率会迎来暴增,到了21世纪初,无线网络会被大范围使用。









演说者:Lauren Sallan

Congratulations. By beinghere, listening, alive, a member of a growing species, you areone of history's greatest winners -- the culmination of a success storyfour billion years in the making. You are life's one percent. Thelosers, the 99 percent of species who have ever lived, are dead-- killed by fire, flood, asteroids, predation, starvation, ice,heat and the cold math of natural selection. Yourancestors, back to the earliest fishes, overcame all thesechallenges. You are here because of golden opportunities madepossible by mass extinction.   

It's true. The same is true of yourco-winners and relatives. The 34,000 kinds of fishes. How did we allget so lucky? Will we continue to win? I am a fish paleobiologist whouses big data -- the fossil record -- to study how some species winand others lose. The living can't tell us; they know nothing butwinning. So, we must speak with the dead.

How do we make dead fishestalk? Museums contain multitudes of beautiful fish fossils, but theirreal beauty emerges when combined with the larger number of ugly, brokenfossils, and reduced to ones and zeros. I can trawl a500-million-year database for evolutionary patterns. Forexample, fish forms can be captured by coordinates and transformed toreveal major pathways of change and trends through time.        

Here is the story of the winners andlosers of just one pivotal event I discovered using fossildata. Let's travel back 360 million years --six times as long ago as thelast dinosaur -- to the Devonian period; a strangeworld. Armored predators with razor-edge jaws dominated alongsidehuge fishes with arm bones in their fins. Crab-like fishes scuttled acrossthe sea floor. The few ray-fin relatives of salmon and tuna coweredat the bottom of the food chain. 

The few early sharks lived offshore infear. Your few four-legged ancestors, the tetrapods, struggled intropical river plains. Ecosystems were crowded. There was noescape, no opportunity in sight. Then the world ended.         

No, it is a good thing. 96 percent ofall fish species died during the Hangenberg event, 359 million yearsago: an interval of fire and ice.A crowded world was disrupted and sweptaway.    

Now, you might think that's the end of thestory. The mighty fell, the meek inherited the earth, and here weare. But winning is not that simple. The handful of survivors camefrom many groups -- all greatly outnumbered by their own dead. Theyranged from top predator to bottom-feeder, big to small, marine tofreshwater. The extinction was a filter. It merely leveled theplaying field. What really counted was what survivors did over the nextseveral million years in that devastated world. 

The former overlordsshould have had an advantage. They became even larger, storingenergy, investing in their young, spreading across theglobe, feasting on fishes, keeping what had always worked, and bidingtheir time. Yet they merely persisted for a while, declining withoutinnovating, becoming living fossils. They were too stuck in theirways and are now largely forgotten.         

A few of the long-suffering ray-fins, sharksand four-legged tetrapods went the opposite direction. They becamesmaller -- living fast, dying young, eating little and reproducingrapidly. They tried new foods, different homes, strange headsand weird bodies.         
一些耐得住考验的鳍刺鱼类,鲨鱼,和四腿生物的命运却与那些大家伙背道而驰。 它们体型变得更小——长得快,死的早,吃得少,繁殖快。它们尝试新食物,新环境,长得奇形怪状。

And they found opportunity,proliferated, and won the future for their 60,000 livingspecies, including you. That's why they look familiar.You know theirnames.        

Winning is not about random events oran arms race. Rather, survivors went down alternative, evolutionarypathways. Some found incredible success, while others became deadfish walking. A real scientific term.          

I am now investigating how thesepathways to victory and defeat repeat across time. My lab has alreadycompiled thousands upon thousands of dead fishes, but many moreremain. However, it is already clear that your ancestors' survivalthrough mass extinction, and their responses in the aftermath madeyou who you are today.   

What does this tell us for thefuture? As long as a handful of species survive, life willrecover. The versatile and the lucky will not just replace what waslost, but win in new forms. It just might take several million years. Thank you.   

