
财富   2025-02-02 09:36   广东  

在裁员提升毕马威(KPMG)盈利能力后,该公司合伙人去年人均收入达到创纪录的 81.6 万英镑。

2024年德勤合伙人的薪酬在四大中最高,人均达 101.2 万英镑(RMB909万元),普华永道合伙人紧随其后,人均 90.6 万英镑。安永合伙人的薪酬最低,去年人均为 72.3 万英镑。

1 英镑 ≈ 8.9866 人民币。




💰 薪资排行(换算成人民币更直观)

德勤:101.2万英镑 ≈ 909万元/

普华永道:90.6万英镑 ≈ 814万元/

毕马威:81.6万英镑 ≈ 733万元/

安永:72.3万英镑 ≈ 650万元/


📉 裁员背后的生意经






🌍 行业寒冬求生术



开发AI审计工具"KPMG Ava"应对丑闻(曾被罚150万英镑)

🔍 值得关注的细节





💼 打工人启示









裁员助力 “四大” 会计师事务所提高盈利能力




2025 1 29 日 格林尼治标准时间下午 5:44

在裁员提升毕马威(KPMG)盈利能力后,该公司合伙人去年人均收入达到创纪录的 81.6 万英镑。

毕马威在其年度业绩报告中称,与 2023 年相比,在该公司英国办事处工作的高级专业人员平均薪酬增长了 4%,即 3 万英镑。

作为 “四大” 会计师事务所之一,毕马威在 2024 9 月结束的财年利润增长了 11%,达到 4.04 亿美元(3.24亿英镑),这得益于裁员提升了公司的盈利能力,合伙人的薪酬也随之提高。

去年 6 月的裁员中,毕马威英国业务部门裁减了 200 名员工,以应对咨询行业整体下滑的局面。其收入较去年增长 1%,达到 29.9 亿英镑。

毕马威在英国业务中有 837 名合伙人,是四大会计师事务所中规模最小的,排在德勤(Deloitte)、普华永道(PwC)和安永(EY)之后。

去年,德勤合伙人的薪酬在四大中最高,人均达 101.2 英镑普华永道合伙人紧随其后,人均 90.6 万英镑。安永合伙人的薪酬最低,去年人均为 72.3 万英镑。



毕马威英国业务首席执行官乔恩霍尔特表示:“在充满挑战的市场环境下,这是一个不错的业绩表现…… 我们在专注于控制成本的同时,也为业务的长期可持续增长做好了布局。

毕马威在周三公布的业绩报告中称:“鉴于预期 2024 年经济周期内的市场挑战,公司全年都在采取措施控制成本,从而提高了盈利能力,并为持续投资提供了支持。”

除裁员外,这家四大会计师事务所还在 2023 11 月因业务下滑冻结了1.2 万名英国员工的薪资。

该公司在英国各地办事处共雇佣 1.6 万名员工,为众多英国大型上市公司审计账目,包括联合利华、力拓、英美烟草和巴克莱银行。

毕马威表示,去年推出的内部新型人工智能工具 KPMG Ava,在一系列审计丑闻发生后,有助于提升其会计工作质量。

2024 3 月,毕马威因在对广告公司 M&C Saatchi 的审计中存在 “严重失误”,被会计监管机构罚款 150万英镑。

本月早些时候,英国财务报告委员会对毕马威对立博(Ladbrokes)和科拉尔(Coral)的母公司 Entain 的审计展开调查。



KPMG partner pay hits record high after lay-offs boost profits

Job cuts help increase profitability at big four accountancy firm


Louis Goss

Business reporter

Related Topics

KPMG, Big 4 accounting firms, Jobs and employment, Regulation, City of London, UK economy

29 January 2025 5:44pm GMT


KPMGs partners took home a record £816,000 each last year after lay-offs helped make the accounting firm more profitable.


Top-ranking professionals working out of the companys UK offices saw their average pay increase by 4pc, or £30,000, compared to 2023, KPMG said in its annual results.


The higher partner payouts came as the company, one of the big four accounting firms, posted an 11pc increase in profits for the year ending in September 2024 to $404m (£324m) after job cuts helped increase the accounting firms profitability.


During lay-offs last June, 200 staff were let go across its UK business in response to a wider downturn in the consulting sector. Revenues rose by 1pc compared with last year to £2.99bn.


KPMG, which has 837 partners working in its UK business, is the smallest of the big four, behind Deloitte, PwC and EY.


Deloittes partners received the largest payouts among the big four, last year, taking home £1.012m, followed by £906,000 for PwC partners. EYs partners were the lowest-paid, receiving £723,000 last year.


KPMG blamed its slow revenue growth last year on a slump in sales from its consulting business, which advises on everything from management strategy to cybersecurity.



Major companies and governments worldwide have slashed spending on consulting as economies have slowed and as still-high inflation and high interest rates put pressure on budgets.


Jon Holt, the chief executive of KPMGs UK business, said: This is a good performance in challenging market conditions ... While weve focused on managing our costs, we have positioned the business for long-term sustainable growth.


KPMG said in its results published on Wednesday: In anticipation of market challenges during the 2024 economic cycle, the business took steps to manage its cost base throughout the year, resulting in improved profitability and supporting continued investment.


As well as the lay-offs, the big four firm froze the salaries of 12,000 of its UK staff in response to the slump in November 2023.


The firm, which employs 16,000 people across its UK offices, audits the accounts of an array of the countrys largest listed companies, including Unilever, Rio Tinto, British American Tobacco and Barclays.


The company said that the launch of its new in-house artificial intelligence tool, KPMG Ava, helped boost the quality of its accountancy work last year in the wake of a series of scandals surrounding its audits.


KPMG was fined £1.5m by the accounting watchdog in March 2024 for serious failings in its audit of advertising agency M&C Saatchi.


Earlier this month, the UKs Financial Reporting Council launched an investigation into KPMGs audit of Ladbrokes and Coral owner Entain.


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