近日,国际知名法律评级机构《亚洲法律概况》(asialaw Profiles)2024年度榜单正式发布。凭借卓越的业务表现和良好的市场口碑,世辉在私募股权、公司并购、资本市场、投资基金、银行金融与服务、科技与电信6个业务/行业领域获得推荐,合伙人牛振宇律师、卢璟律师和王晓栋律师荣登榜单。
🏆 私募股权
🏆 公司并购
🏆 资本市场
🏆 投资基金
🏆 银行与金融服务
🏆 科技与电信
业界精英 Elite Practitioner🏆
律师新星 Rising Star🏆
律师新星 Rising Star🏆
资本市场 Capital markets
“They have a professional response, quick action, and handle the whole transaction process smoothly.”
私募股权 Private equity
“The firm is very professional and can give feedback quickly.”
科技与电信 Technology and telecommunications
“These attorneys from Shihui Partners possess strong analytical skills to interpret complex legal issues and regulatory requirements related to data protection and to apply them to different scenarios. They anticipate potential areas of risk in the handling of personal data by their clients. This foresight allows them to advise on and implement strategies to mitigate risks before they become problematic. Given the sensitive nature of the data involved, these attorneys uphold high ethical standards and ensure that confidentiality and client data integrity are maintained at all times.”
“She has been very professional in providing me with suggestions on tough issues.”
“Jing specialises in data compliance, anti-corruption compliance, and various transactions or cooperation projects in the life sciences field. He has rich experience in legal services in the field of life sciences.”
“Xiaodong has a strong legal foundation and can understand the client’s business demands. He can combine legal and business perspectives to provide solutions and assist clients in resolving their issues.”
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