拍客直击:以军空袭加沙北部一建筑造成109人遇难 当地居民对悲剧无能为力

时事   2024-10-31 21:50   北京  

当地时间29日,以色列对加沙北部拜特拉希亚一栋住宅楼的空袭已造成至少109人死亡,其中包括许多儿童,另有数十人受伤。CGTN加沙拍客在轰炸现场采访到了袭击幸存者。一名情绪激动的受访者哈桑·阿布·纳赛尔(Hassan Abu Al-Nasr)表示,正如大家所见,这里现在是一片废墟,有很多人在空袭中遇难。他们已经尽力在救人,努力从废墟中拉出遗体,但是现在废墟下的遗体数量可能是街面上的三到四倍,对此他们也无能为力。

At least 109 Palestinians, including children, were killed and dozens more wounded in an Israeli air strike on a multistory residential building in Beit Lahiya, northern Gaza on Tuesday. CGTN stringer in Gaza visited the bombsite and interviewed Hassan Abu Al-Nasr, who lives nearby. He said the strike demolished homes and that despite efforts to rescue people and pull bodies from the rubble, three to four times as many bodies are still buried beneath the debris.

加沙医院遭以色列空袭 医生呼吁医疗援助
