据QJE官网显示,来自芝加哥大学的Joshua D Gottlieb、斯坦福大学的Maria Polyakova、华盛顿公平增长中心的Kevin Rinz、新不伦瑞克大学的Hugh Shiplett、美国人口普查局的Victoria Udalova,合作的论文“The Earnings and Labor Supply of U.S. Physicians”在国际经济学顶刊《Quarterly Journal of Economics》线上正式发表,论文研究美国医生收入与劳动力供给,并揭晓美国内科医生收入年均35万美元。
Title: The Earnings and Labor Supply of U.S. Physicians
Joshua D Gottlieb
Maria Polyakova
Kevin Rinz
Hugh Shiplett
Victoria Udalova
Is government guiding the invisible hand at the top of the labor market? We use new administrative data to measure physicians’ earnings and estimate the influence of healthcare policies on these earnings, physicians’ labor supply, and allocation of talent. Combining the administrative registry of U.S. physicians with tax data, Medicare billing records, and survey responses, we find that physicians’ annual earnings average $350,000 and comprise 8.6% of national healthcare spending. Business income comprises one-quarter of earnings and is systematically underreported in survey data. Earnings increase steeply early in the career, and there are major differences across specialties, regions, and firm sizes. The geographic pattern of earnings is unusual compared with other workers. We argue that these patterns reflect policy choices to subsidize demand for physician care, amplified by restrictions on physician entry, especially in certain specialties. Health policy has a major impact on the margin: 25% of physician fee revenue driven by Medicare reimbursements accrues to physicians personally. Physicians earn 8% of public money spent on insurance expansion. These policies in turn affect the type and quantity of medical care physicians supply, retirement timing, and the allocation of talent across specialties.
政府是否在劳动力市场顶层引导那只 “看不见的手” 呢?本文运用新的行政数据来衡量医生的收入,并评估医疗政策对这些收入、医生劳动力供给以及人才配置的影响。通过将美国医生行政登记信息与税务数据、医疗保险报销记录以及调查反馈相结合,本文发现医生的年均收入为 35 万美元,占全国医疗支出的 8.6%。经营性收入占收入的四分之一,且在调查数据中普遍被少报。职业生涯早期,收入增长迅猛,不同专业、地区和企业规模之间存在重大差异。与其他劳动者相比,医生收入的地域分布模式不同寻常。本文认为,这些模式反映了政策选择,即补贴对医疗服务的需求,而对医生准入的限制,尤其是某些专业的准入限制,进一步放大了这种影响。医疗政策在边际上有着重大影响:医疗保险报销推动的医生诊疗费收入中有 25% 直接归医生个人所有。医生从用于扩大保险覆盖范围的公共资金中获得 8% 的收益。这些政策反过来又影响医生提供的医疗服务类型和数量、退休时间,以及各专业间的人才配置。