Jean-François Spricigo's shadow theatre | 让-弗朗索瓦·斯普里西戈的光影剧场

文摘   文化   2024-12-24 22:00   法国  

(Jean-François Spricigo)

(Agnès Bardon)

“不要让任何事物阻挡你与光的相遇。”美国诗人亨利·戴维·梭罗(Henry David Thoreau)的这句格言,比其他任何言辞都更生动地描绘出了比利时摄影师让-弗朗索瓦·斯普里西戈的作品。斯普里西戈的摄影集《我们独自守望地平线》(Nous l'horizon resterons seul)是其前往留尼汪岛、马约特岛和法属圭亚那拍摄的系列作品,无不处处体现出这句话的精髓。



让-弗朗索瓦·斯普里西戈是一位跨界艺术家,同时还从事写作、配乐创作和戏剧表演。2023 年,他荣获了授予摄影书籍的年度奖项——纳达尔人物摄影奖。

Photos: Jean-François Spricigo, courtesy of Galerie Camera Obscura Paris

Text: Agnès Bardon, UNESCO

“Let nothing come between you and the light.” Nothing could better describe the work of Belgian photographer Jean-François Spricigo than this injunction from American poet Henry David Thoreau, which is highlighted in Spricigo’s book Nous l'horizon resterons seul. The series he shot on his travels to Reunion Island, Mayotte and French Guiana follows this dictate to the letter.

A sovereign light makes faces spring out of nature, sculpts shadows, pierces the tropical night. Captured in black and white outline, far from the usual colourful exuberance, his landscapes become life, movement and breath. More than any other, his silent poetry tells us about quivering twilight, a sultry afternoon, the density of silence. It has the power and fragility of a dream.

Human, animal and tree are treated as equals, without judgment or hierarchy. With the same respect. A caiman's jaws emerging from the river, a human silhouette, foliage – these are just some of the apparitions in this shadow theatre, where all are in their place and boundaries are blurred. Between day and night. Between the wild world and the human world. Between dream and reality. These images aren’t to be looked at. They have to be lived.

Jean-François Spricigo is a multidisciplinary artist who also writes, creates soundtracks and performs in theatre. In 2023, he won the Prix Nadar Gens d'images, awarded every year to a book of photography.





To promote UNESCO\x26#39;s mandate. 《信使》杂志是联合国教科文组织1948年创办的旗舰性期刊,传播组织理念,倡导文明对话。