双语 | 当两情相悦落入现实

文化   2024-10-13 07:51   福建  

As the process of commercialization in society progresses, the mantra of money being omnipotent has reached an unbridled extent, as if having money means having everything, thus everything we do revolves around money.


Of course, appropriate material wealth is required to satisfy our survival needs. However, today, although we have basically solved the problem of food and clothing, our attachment to wealth has not diminished but instead strengthened. Money is worshiped as a deity, and earning money is considered the sole goal of life. For many people, possessing wealth is no longer about ensuring a livelihood but a means to satisfy their greed.


But have we considered that accumulated wealth will eventually dissipate? Thieves will devise myriad ways to take it, descendants will squander it without guilt, and even if it’s securely locked in a safe, inflation can turn it into beautiful but useless paper overnight, not to mention destruction by natural or human-made disasters. Therefore, if we regard wealth as eternal, we are undoubtedly planting another seed of suffering in our lives.


The attachment to affection is one of the causes of suffering. If we are eager for a harmonious and loving relationship, we may, one way or the other, be disappointed once reality sets in. Some may toss and turn for unrequited love, unable to get what they desire; some may be saddened by a separation from their beloved, or by living far away from each other; some may agonize over being with someone they dislike due to frequent conflicts.


If two persons become mutually enamored, they may expect their love to last forever. But this world is impermanent, and so is the mind. No matter what they have pledged to each other, it will hardly withstand the test of impermanence. We always view marriage and family as important to a happy life, yet we don’t know that they are a source of troubles and concerns.


In addition to all the attachments above, we usually cling to many other things, such as status, career, reputation, and loved ones.


Still, we hardly realize that everything in the world is impermanent and illusory. If we are obsessed with illusions, insisting they are real and permanent, we will fall into the pit we dig for ourselves. Only when we fully recognize the false appearance that originates dependently and understand its empty nature, can we root out our attachments.




Excerpted from:

Life’s Suffering and Its Liberation

By Master Jiqun
