论文英文练习 | Shortcoming局限 模板

文摘   2024-12-17 11:18   马来西亚  

Shortcoming 模板

1. Acknowledging limitations in the current study:

"Despite the valuable findings, this study is subject to several limitations."


2. Identifying sample limitations:

"One limitation of this study is the relatively small sample size, which may limit the generalizability of the results."


3. Discussing methodological constraints:

"The methodology employed in this study, while appropriate, has some inherent limitations that should be considered."


4. Mentioning the scope of the study:

"The scope of this study is limited to [specific context], which may not fully represent the broader [field or population]."


5. Noting time or resource constraints:

"Due to time/resource constraints, the research was unable to explore [specific aspect] in greater depth."


6. Acknowledging potential bias:

"The research design may have introduced some bias, which could affect the validity of the findings."


7 .Recognizing the need for further research:

"Given these limitations, further research is needed to confirm the findings and address these shortcomings."


8 .Clarifying generalizability issues:

"The findings of this study may not be fully generalizable to other contexts or populations due to [specific limitation]."


