共找到 223 条记录
文摘   2024-10-02 22:18   广东  
灵狐 The Fox有狐在山旁,忧心子无裳。立志登大道,未卜身先亡。A fox beside the mountain stands, in sorrow deep and ...
文摘   2024-10-02 22:12   广东  
龟将 Turtle General玄虚上应,龟蛇合形。劫终劫始,剪伐魔精。冰天冻地,应承天性。同心破败,生不如陨。Completing Xuanwu's name, the ...
文摘   2024-10-02 22:08   广东  
黄眉 Yellowbrow放情纵欲任优游,也无恐怖也无愁。极乐场中笑八戒,自性具足花满楼。Indulging in desires, I am carefree,No fe ...
文摘   2024-10-02 22:04   广东  
青背龙 Cyan Loong青锋宝剑唤龙光,独钓寒雪苦海上。潜龙犹待飞天去,不堕凡尘英名扬。With a sharp sword, Loong's Light it is ...
文摘   2024-10-02 22:01   广东  
魔将·妙音 Captain Wise-Voice妙音之声,开化众生。"The Voice enlightens all."自恃才高,败走经堂极乐难思量,照出真我本相法海波涛 ...
文摘   2024-10-02 21:57   广东  
亢金星君 Kang-Jin Star龙女名亢金,白角映碧波。不美鸳鸯侣,风姿绝世多。故人难再见,袋中黑白颠。风刀霜剑下,犹自舞翩跹。Loong maiden, Kang-J ...
文摘   2024-10-02 21:52   广东  
亢金龙 Kang-Jin Loong西天远去半程途,东土归来一梦初。暗解宝袋撤强能,私开尘锁冲歧路。Halfway to the west, the journey lon ...
文摘   2024-10-02 21:48   广东  
赤尻马猴 Macaque Chief山中元帅唤马流,毛脸黢黑爱红绸。冰刀雪刃劈赤胆,放屁添风笑石猴。Once chief among the ranks, his coun ...
文摘   2024-10-02 21:44   广东  
海上僧 Monk from the Sea苦海无边岸,登舟欲度身。功成不择手,终究难成人。Bitter Lake's expanse, no end in sight,Th ...
文摘   2024-10-02 21:40   广东  
不空 Non-Void不死亦不生,空余梦里人。前脚差一步,光阴又半程。Neither dead nor truly alive, a dreamer left behind ...
文摘   2024-10-02 21:35   广东  
不能 Non-Able雪中有怪僧,壁前临朔风。以武入真禅,缚手难缚魂。Amidst the snow, a monk so strange,Before the wall, ...
文摘   2024-10-02 21:31   广东  
不净 Non-Pure心宽体胖肚儿大,相貌凶顽嘴角耷。按兵不动稳如山,偷闲躲静守宝刹。A wide heart, a plump form, a belly so gran ...
文摘   2024-10-02 21:28   广东  
不白 Non-White丑脸扑白粉,玲珑狡诈身。大胆唱主角,终是戏中人。A jester's face with powder white,A cunning form, ...
文摘   2024-10-02 21:24   广东  
老人参精 Old Ginseng Guai摇光星散落山家,只生膏壤露甘华。七两凡品八两宝,平常显达一两差。Scatters o'er the mountain's cres ...
文摘   2024-10-02 21:21   广东  
无量蝠 Apramāṇa Bat寄身佛像中,鼓翅可乘风。铁心多劳碌,金身享华荣。Dwelling in a Buddha's form,With wings to ride ...
文摘   2024-10-02 21:17   广东  
魔将·劫波 Captain Kalpa-Wave弹指一轻,刹那芳华Within a flick of the finger, lotus flowers bloom and ...
文摘   2024-10-02 21:12   广东  
魔将·妄相 Captain Void-Illusion万法齐观,归复自然。"Contemplating the myriad forms, returning to the ...
文摘   2024-10-02 21:07   广东  
魔将·莲眼 Captain Lotus-Vision诸法空相,不增不减。All things are by nature void... There is no wax o ...
文摘   2024-10-02 20:18   广东  
地莲精 Golden Lotus Guai云上尽瑞祥,未知世沧桑。子孙飘零尽,本为择膏粱。Auspicious clouds above, unaware of world ...
文摘   2024-10-02 20:14   广东  
泥塑金刚 Clay Vajra铁叉恶金刚,怒目凶模样。众生皆负罪,焚尽才吉祥。With an iron trident, a wrathful Vajra stands,A ...