
美食   餐饮美食   2024-07-29 20:31   日本  




这是乌克兰基辅国际烘焙学院(CUILINARY ACADEMY KIEV INTERNATIONAL)美女校长Tetyana Verbytska(下图)创作的一款非常漂亮的小甜点——伯爵黑醋栗杏仁奶油塔,黑醋栗风味与伯爵茶完美结合




by Tetyana Verbytska



200 克【43.29%】……中筋面粉/通用面粉

120 克【25.97%】……黄油(冷藏切丁)

  80 克【17.32%】……糖粉

  30 克【  6.49%】……杏仁粉

    2 克【  0.43%】……盐

  30 克【  6.49%】……全蛋


1、将切丁的黄油与过筛的面粉放入搅拌机缸内用扁桨(paddle attachment)搅打至均匀的松散颗粒状,加入过筛的糖粉、杏仁粉和盐搅拌均匀,最后逐渐加入全蛋液搅拌。



125 克【49.41%】……牛奶

    1 克【  0.40%】……香草荚/籽

  30 克【11.86%】……细砂糖

  25 克【  9.89%】……蛋黄

    5 克【  1.98%】……玉米淀粉

    5 克【  1.98%】……中筋面粉/通用面粉

  62 克【24.51%】……黄油







50 克【24.04%】……黄油(软化)

50 克【24.04%】……杏仁粉

50 克【24.04%】……细砂糖

50 克【24.04%】……全蛋

  8 克【  3.84%】……黑醋栗甜酒/利口酒*

  适量【  0.00%】……冷冻黑醋栗(非必须)


1、将软化黄油、杏仁粉和细砂糖放入装有扁桨(paddle attachment)的搅拌机内搅拌,分次将加热至40℃的全蛋液加入拌匀,再加入温热的黑醋栗甜酒再搅拌几分钟,不要过度搅拌。



150 克【33.33%】……糖粉

150 克【33.33%】……蛋白

150 克【33.33%】……细砂糖

    适量【  0.01%】……粉红、紫色色素





    3 克【  1.00%】……伯爵茶(茶叶)*

225 克【75.00%】……淡奶油(乳脂含量35%)

  45 克【15.00%】……蛋黄

  25 克【  8.33%】……细砂糖

    2 克【  0.67%】……X58果胶粉





※材料说明:伯爵茶( Earl Grey tea),参考下图:

※材料说明:X58果胶粉( pectin X58),参考下图:


200 克【34.19%】……黑醋栗果茸*

  30 克【  5.13%】……细砂糖

  65 克【11.11%】……吉利丁液(9克吉利丁粉*+56克冷水)

  20 克【  3.42%】……黑醋栗甜酒/利口酒*

270 克【46.15%】……淡奶油(乳脂含量35%)





※材料说明:黑醋栗果茸( blackcurrant puree),参考下图:

※材料说明:黑醋栗甜酒/利口酒( Creme de cassis liquor),参考下图:

※材料说明:吉利丁粉( gelatin,200 Bloom),参考下图:


25 【  8.20%】……水A

75 【24.59%】……水B

75 【24.59%】……细砂糖A

75 【24.59%】……细砂糖B

50 【16.39%】……葡萄糖浆

  1 【  0.33%】……柠檬酸*

  2 【  0.66%】……X58果胶粉*

  2 【  0.66%】……NH果胶粉*





※材料说明:NH果胶粉( pectin NH),参考下图:

※材料说明:柠檬酸citric acid,acide citrique),参考下图:















美女校长Tetyana Verbytska的其他创作甜点颜值都灰常高



Cassis tartlet with tea creme brulee
by Tetyana Verbytska

recipe for 12 tartlets diameter 7cm

ALMOND SHORTCRUST PASTRY (total weight 462 g)
200 g all-purpose flour
120 g diced butter
  80 g powdered sugar
  30 g almond flour
    2 g salt
  30 g eggs
Sieve flour. In a mixer fitted with the paddle attachment process butter and flour into crumbs. Add sieved powdered sugar, almond flour and salt. With a mixer on fold in eggs. 
Once the dough is homogeneous, turn off the mixer. Form the dough into a flat rectangle, wrap with plastic and fridge overnight.

VANILLA PASTRY CREAM (total weight 253 g)
125 g milk
    1 u vanilla pod
  30 g sugar
  25 g yolks
    5 g cornstarch
    5 g all-purpose flour
  62 g butter
Put vanilla pod split lengthwise into the milk. Bring to a boil. Let infuse for 30 minutes. 
Whisk together sugar, yolks, sieved flour and cornstarch until incorporated and white. Bring milk with vanilla to a boil again. Pour of the hot milk into the yolk mixture. Whisk. 
Pour the mixture into the pan. Bring to a boil whisking constantly. Boil the cream for 2 minutes over moderate heat keeping whisking. Place the cream in a container. Cover with plastic wrap, pressing it directly on the surface. Let cool to 40°C.
Remove the vanilla pod. Add diced butter at room temperature. Pulse the cream with a hand blender. Set aside the cream to cool for at least 12 hours.

BLACKCURRANT ALMOND CREAM (total weight 208 g)
50 g softened butter
50 g almond powder
50 g sugar
50 g eggs
  8 g Creme de cassis liquor
  q.s frozen blackcurrant as much as needed
In a mixer fitted with the paddle attachment combine softened butter, almond powder and sugar. Add eggs heated to 40°C in small portions. Add warm liquor. Mix the cream for a few more minutes without letting get whipped. 
Pipe to fit 25 g of cream into each tartlet. Top with a few blackcurrants. Bake at 160°C until light blown color.

SWISS MERINGUE total (weight 450 g)
150 g powdered sugar
150 g egg whites
150 g sugar
Whip egg whites and sugar over water bath to 60°C. Remove from water bath. Add powdered sugar. Whip until stiff peaks. 
Pipe the meringue with a pastry bag and 10 mm tip.
Bake for 2 hours at 90°С.

TEA CREME BRULEE (total weight 300 g)
    3 g Earl Grey tea
225 g cream 35%
  45 g yolks
  25 g sugar
    2 g pectin X58
Bring cream with tea to a boil. Let infuse under plastic for 30 minutes. Drain, add the cream to adjust to the initial weight.
Whip together yolks and sugar previously combined with pectin until white. Add tea-infused cream. Cook in a pan up to 80°C stirring constantly. Pour into a 3 cm diameter semispherical mold. Freeze.

BLACKCURRANT MOUSSE (total weight 585 g)
200 g blackcurrant puree
  30 g sugar
  65 g gelatin mixture (9 g gelatin + 56 g water)
  20 g Creme de cassis liquor
270 g cream 35%
Heat 1/2 of the black currant puree and sugar to 50°C. Add melted gelatin mixture, the remaining puree and liquor. 
Once the mixture is 30°C, add whipped cream in two additons. Stir with a spatula until homogeneous. Place into 5 cm diameter silicone molds.

NEUTRAL GLAZE (total weight 305 g)
25 g water A
75 g water B
75 g sugar A
75 g sugar B
50 g glucose
  1 g citric acid
  2 g pectin X58
  2 g pectin NH
Combine sugar A with pectin and add water A. Set aside for 20 minutes. 
In a pan combine water B with sugar B, then add glucose. Heat to 70°C. 
Whisking constantly fold in pectin and sugar mixture and bring to a boil. Boil for 5 minutes.  Add citric acid.  Neutral glaze can be stored for a week in a fridge or a few months in a freezer.

Step 1 Prepare shortcrust pastry. Roll the dough to 2 mm thick. Cut out 10,5 cm diameter circles. Fit into 7 cm diameter tartlet mold*. Let it dry for a few hours. Bake tartlets until saturated sand color at 160°C for about 10 minutes.
Tip. To get beautiful and shiny tartlet walls, spray baked crust with a mixture at a ratio of one part cream to 4 parts yolks using a flower sprayer. Bake for 2 minutes at 160°C.
Pavoni perforated tartlet mold; code XF7020, diameter – 70 mm.
Step 2 Prepare almond cream. Fit 25 g of cream into each baked tartlet. Put black currant. Bake at 160°C about 10 minutes until light golden color.
Tip. It is very important that baked almond cream not be hard. The cream should be soft otherwise it will be overdried once you cool it.
Step 3 Prepare tea creme brulee. Pour into 3 cm hemispheres**. Then freeze.
Tip. Let fragrant additives infuse in the fridge with cream for about 12 hours. Cold infusions always have delicate flavor notes.
※Silikomart SF006 silicon semisphererical mold; diameter – 30 mm
Step 4 Prepare blackcurrant mousse. Then pipe it into 5 cm diameter silicone semispheres*. Put frozen creme brulee into the blackcurrant mousse. Freeze.
Silikomart SF004 silicon semispherical mold; diameter – 50 mm
Step 5 Prepare vanilla pastry cream. Fridge it for at least 12 hours. Whisk the pastry cream until stiff consistency. Pipe onto the top of tartlet baked with almond cream.
Step 6 Bring the neutral glaze to a boil. Add water, about 10% of the neutral glaze total weight. With a compressor and a food spray gun, coat the wellfrozen blackcurrant mousse with a thin layer of neutral glaze. You can also pour tartlets with the neutral glaze. In this case the temperature of the neutral glaze should not climb above 60°C. To-becoated bases should be frozen well at a temperature below -25°C.
Step 7 Top the pastry cream with a tea creme brulee currant hemisphere. Decorate with meringue.
Tip. Meringue cannot be fridged for more than a few hours. Meringue-decorated products are served immediately.




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