The Little Prince 17
Explained in Chinese
wit n. /wɪt/
[ U,sing.]the ability to say or write things that are both clever and amusing措辞巧妙的能力;风趣;才思
•to have a quick/sharp/dry/ready wit 才思敏捷;敏锐机智;假装正经的诙谐;头脑机敏
•a woman of wit and intelligence才思敏捷、聪颖的女子
•a book full of the wit and wisdom of his 30 years in politics一本有关他30年政治生涯中才思与智慧的书
wan·der v. /ˈwɒndə(r)/
[ V] ~ (away/off)~ (from/off sth)
to move away from the place where you ought to be or the people you are with偏离(正道);走失;离散
SYN stray
•The child wandered off and got lost.那孩子走散后迷路了。
•They had wandered from the path into the woods.他们离开小路消失在树林里。
al·together adv. /ˌɔːltəˈɡeðə(r)/
(used to emphasize sth) completely; in every way(用以强调)完全,全部
•The train went slower and slower until it stopped altogether.火车愈来愈慢,最后完全停了。
•I don't altogether agree with you.我不完全同意你的意见。
•I am not altogether happy about the decision.我对这个决定并不十分满意。
false adj. /fɔːls/
[ usually before noun] wrong or mistaken, because it is based on sth that is not true or correct错误的
•a false argument/assumption/belief 错误的论据╱假设╱信念
•to give a false impression of wealth给人以富有的假象
•to lull sb into a false sense of security (= make sb feel safe when they are really in danger) 哄某人产生虚假的安全感
oc·cupy v. /ˈɒkjupaɪ/
( oc·cu·piesoc·cu·py·ingoc·cu·piedoc·cu·pied)
1.[ VN] to fill or use a space, an area or an amount of time使用,占用(空间、面积、时间等)
SYNtake up
•The bed seemed to occupy most of the room.床似乎占去了大半个屋子。
•How much memory does the program occupy?这个程序占用多少内存?
2.[ VN] ( formal ) to live or work in a room, house or building使用(房屋、建筑);居住
•He occupies an office on the 12th floor.他在12楼有一间办公室。
people v. /ˈpiːpl/
[ VN] [ usually passive]~ sth (with sth)
to live in a place or fill it with people居住在;把…挤满人;住满居民
•The town was peopled largely by workers from the car factory and their families.这个镇上的居民大部分都是汽车厂的工人及其家属。
•The ballroom was peopled with guests.舞厅里满堂宾客。
some·what adv. /ˈsʌmwɒt/
to some degree有点;有几分;稍微
SYN rather
•I was somewhat surprised to see him.见到他我颇感诧异。
•The situation has changed somewhat since we last met.自我们上次见面以来情况有些变化。
•What happened to them remains somewhat of a mystery.他们到底出了什么事,到现在仍可以说是个谜。
as·sem·bly n. /əˈsembli/
( pl.-ies)
[ U,C]the meeting together of a group of people for a particular purpose; a group of people who meet together for a particular purpose集会;(统称)集会者
•They were fighting for freedom of speech and freedom of assembly.他们为言论自由和集会自由而斗争。
•He was to address a public assembly on the issue.他要对公众集会发表演说谈论这个问题。
•an assembly point (= a place where people have been asked to meet) 集会地点
hu·man·ity n. /hjuːˈmænəti/
[ U]people in general(统称)人;人类
•crimes against humanity危害人类罪
pile v. /paɪl/
ˌpile ˈup
to become larger in quantity or amount堆积;积压
SYN accumulate
•Work always piles up at the end of the year.年底总是积压一大堆工作。
islet n. /ˈaɪlət/
a very small island很小的岛;小岛
fancy v. /ˈfænsi/
( fan·cies fancy·ing fan·cied fan·cied)
[ VN-N] ~ yourself (as) sth( BrE )
to like the idea of being sth or to believe, often wrongly, that you are sth自认为是;自命为
•She fancies herself (as) a serious actress.她自以为是严肃的演员。
cal·cu·la·tion n. /ˌkælkjuˈleɪʃn/
[ C,U]the act or process of using numbers to find out an amount计算
•Cathy did a rough calculation.凯茜作了一个粗略的计算。
•By my calculation(s), we made a profit of £20 000 last year.我算了一下,我们去年赢利2万英镑。
•Our guess was confirmed by calculation.我们的猜测通过计算得到证实。
adore v. /əˈdɔː(r)/
( not used in the progressive tenses不用于进行时)
( informal ) to like sth very much喜爱,热爱(某事物)
[ VN]
•I simply adore his music!我简直太喜爱他的音乐了!
[ V -ing]
•She adores working with children.她热爱为儿童工作。
coil n. /kɔɪl/
one circle of rope, wire, etc. in a series一圈(绳索、金属线等)
•Shake the rope and let the coils unwind.抖动绳索把绳圈展开。
•a snake's coils蛇的盘圈
cour·te·ous adj. /ˈkɜːtiəs/
polite, especially in a way that shows respect有礼貌的;客气的;(尤指)恭敬的,谦恭的
•a courteous young man彬彬有礼的年轻人
•The hotel staff are friendly and courteous.旅馆服务人员友好而有礼貌。
cour·te·ous·ly adv.
twine v. /twaɪn/
[ + adv./prep.] ~ (sth) around/round/through/in sth
to wind or twist around sth; to make sth do this(使)盘绕,缠绕,围绕
[ V]
•ivy twining around a tree trunk缠绕在树干上的藤蔓
[ VN]
•She twined her arms around my neck.她用双臂搂着我的脖子。
ankle n. /ˈæŋkl/
the joint connecting the foot to the leg踝;踝关节
•to sprain/break your ankle 扭伤╱折断踝关节
•My ankles have swollen.我的两个脚腕子都肿了。
•We found ourselves ankle-deep in water.水淹到了我们的脚踝。
brace·let n. /ˈbreɪslət/
a piece of jewellery worn around the wrist or arm手镯;手链;臂镯
whence adv. /wens/
( old use) from where从何处;从哪里
•They returned whence they had come.他们从哪里来又回到哪里去了。
in·no·cent adj. /ˈɪnəsnt/
having little experience of the world, especially of sexual matters, or of evil or unpleasant things天真无邪的;纯真的
SYN naive
•an innocent young child天真无邪的小孩子
gran·ite n. /ˈɡrænɪt/
[ U]a type of hard grey stone, often used in building花岗岩;花岗石
home·sick adj. /ˈhəʊmsɪk/
sad because you are away from home and you miss your family and friends思乡的;想家的;患怀乡病的
•I felt homesick for Scotland.我思念故乡苏格兰。
rid·dle n. /ˈrɪdl/
a question that is difficult to understand, and that has a surprising answer, that you ask sb as a game谜;谜语
•Stop talking in riddles (= saying things that are confusing) —say what you mean.别拐弯抹角了,有话直说。
•to solve the riddle of the Sphinx解开斯芬克斯之谜
小王子 17
安东尼·德·圣-埃克苏佩里 著
阿菜 译