
文摘   2024-12-11 11:30   新加坡  

By Hu Yangxiaoxiao 胡阳潇潇


德恒中东利雅得办公室通过与沙特当地DSH律师事务所联营的形式设立并运营,未来将由德恒合伙人贾怀远律师和沙特律师Dhari Saad共同领导。作为目前中国和沙特最大的联营律所,其拥有律师18人,团队还将持续扩大。






DeHeng opens Riyadh office, becoming the first PRC law firm with a presence in Saudi Arabia

Beijing-headquartered DeHeng Law Offices has recently opened its Riyadh office, becoming the first Chinese law firm to establish a presence in Saudi Arabia. This marks DeHeng's second branch in the Middle East, following its Dubai office, which was opened back in 2004.

The Riyadh office operates as a joint venture with local Saudi firm DSH Law Firm and will be co-led by DeHeng partner Jia Huaiyuan and Saudi lawyer Dhari Saad. As the largest Chinese-Saudi joint law firm, it currently has a team of 18 lawyers, with plans for further expansion.

Jia, who also serves as the director of DeHeng's Middle East offices, specializes in international engineering, project financing, and dispute resolution. He has over 20 years of experience working in Dubai. In August 2024, Jia was interviewed by ALB to discuss the surge in Chinese investments in the Middle East and the corresponding demand for legal services.

The Riyadh office aims to provide comprehensive legal services for Chinese clients in Saudi Arabia and Saudi clients in China. Key practice areas include international engineering, project financing, international investment, trade, corporate securities, criminal law, financial transactions, mergers and acquisitions, maritime law, and dispute resolution.

Founded in 2009, DSH Law Firm has collaborated with DeHeng for over 12 years prior to this formal partnership.

Under current Saudi regulations, foreign law firms in partnership with Saudi firms can provide legal opinions on Saudi law. However, those registered as foreign branches in Saudi Arabia can only offer advice on foreign law.



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