Qs Term 4 期末考试将于第8-10周(11月23日周六-12月13日周四)在课堂上进行。考试年级及科目请参考下表:
In Term 4 Week 8-10 (Saturday, November 23 - Thursday, December 13), Qs students will sit for their Term Tests in class. Please refer to the table below for the tests' levels and subjects:
线下学生请在考试周的上课时间到校参加考试。All students will sit for the term tests in class during test week.
Use a 2B pencil Do not fold or bend the answer sheet Erase clearly before any changes Make no other marks Please shade correctly
请当堂在作文答题纸上书写。Writing Tests will be written on the composition answer sheets in class.
登陆学生的网校,进入Qs "学生线上写作+老师线上批改" 栏目。请选择考试一栏在上课时间完成。
Once you have logged onto your student account, click on the “Online Writing” section in the drop-down menu on the left, choose the Test and click ‘Start'. Please do the test in class.
复制下方链接至网页可查看指引。Please copy the link below to the web page to view the guide.
一月假期班和 2025 Term 1 报名火热进行中,请尽快联系各校区咨询及报名以确保您的位置。To secure your child's seat, we strongly advise all parents to enrol as early as possible.
Qs School一月假期考前冲刺班:高效提分,全面提升关键能力!
Qs 一月Trial Test假期班福利:奖学金咨询顾问为您提供1对1选校策略个体服务