狮語艺术家 | 吴建楠参展威尼斯双年展

文摘   2024-04-26 18:30   上海  

狮語艺术家吴建楠的作品亮相于第六十届威尼斯双年展,作品由瑞士斯沃琪和平饭店艺术中心在 Arsenale 会场举行的 2024 年 Swatch Faces中呈现。本次盛会以“Stranieri Ovunque - Foreigners everywhere(处处皆外人)” 为主题激发无限灵感。吴建楠于2023年在上海斯沃琪驻地空间驻留创作,并在同年于狮語画廊的上海空间举行个展。吴建楠新的个展将在今年的九月,于狮語画廊的香港空间举办。

Selected Installation View

关于艺术家 | About the Artist

吴建楠 Wu Jiannan


吴建楠于2019年被授予加拿大伊丽莎白·格林希尔茨基金会大奖,2017年、2022年被美国国家雕塑协会授予Dexter Jones大奖,2016年被授予美国 Compleat Sculptor奖项。他入选了“全美十大华人杰出青年”和"2020年全美华人青年联合会30岁以下精英"榜单。他的雕塑作品曾被中国《雕塑杂志》评为2019年最佳原创作品。此外,他也入选了2015年法国吉维尼Terra基金会驻地项目、2016年意大利ABC Stone Carrara Merit Award驻地项目,2019年西诺丁汉学院Eric Fischl '66驻地项目,以及2023年斯沃琪和平饭店艺术中心驻地。他的作品在意大利Accesso画廊、丹麦Poulsen画廊和Art Herning画廊、美国苏富比、迈阿密艺术博览会、南汉普顿艺术中心、德国波恩艺术协会、中国重庆当代美术馆等知名场馆展出。他的作品和报道被发表在《纽约时报》、中国新闻社、《Metal》杂志、《Bizarre Magazine》杂志、《Hi-Fructose》杂志、《收藏》杂志、《T(here)》杂志等。其作品被众多机构和个人收藏。

Wu Jiannan (b.1990) is a China-born, New York based artist specializing in sculpture. He received his BFA Degree in Sculpture from China Academy of Art and his MFA Degree in Sculpture from New York Academy of Art. He is an adjunct faculty of New York Academy of Art, an Elected Member of American National Sculpture Society, American Medallic Sculpture Association, and World Economic Forum Global Shaper of Dalian Hub. Through formats of sculpture and wall-mounted relief, He presents the theme of contemporary urban life and social events such as politics and sports with a focus on realism and a playful, satirical and multifaceted narrative, that can make us realize the often absurd nature of the environment we're currently living in.

Wu Jiannan is the recipient of the Elizabeth Greenshields Foundation grant, winner of 2017 & 2022 Dexter Jones Award presented by American National Sculpture Society,  winner of Compleat Sculptor Award, and other awards. He was selected as “2022 Top 10 Outstanding Chinese American Youth”&“2020 AACYF Top 30 Under 30” presented by All America Chinese Youth Federation. His work is recognized as The Best Original Sculpture in 2019 by Sculpture Magazine of China. In addition, he was selected for Terra Foundation Residency in Giverny France 2015, ABC Stone Carrara Merit Award Residency in Italy 2016, West Nottingham Academy Eric Fischl ‘66 Artist-in-Residence 2019, and The Swatch Art Peace Hotel Residence. His works have also been displayed on numerous exhibitions at renowned venues such as Accesso Gallery in Italy, Gallery Poulsen and Art Herning in Denmark, the Sotheby's, Art Miami, and Southampton Arts Center in America, Bonner Kunstverein in Germany, Chongqing Contemporary Art Museum in China, etc. His works and art achievements have been published in The New York Times, The China Press, Metal Magazine, Beautiful Bizarre Magazine, Hi-Fructose Magazine, Collections Magazine, T(here) Magazine, etc. His works have been collected by numerous institutions and individuals.

上海狮語|《嘉年华》 吴建楠个展

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上海 Shanghai

香港 Hong Kong

狮語画廊丨上海  Leo Gallery Shanghai
Ferguson Lane, 376 Wu Kang Road, Xuhui District Shanghai 200031, China.
Tues-Sun: 11am-6.30pm (Public Holidays Closed)
狮語画廊丨香港 Leo Gallery Hong Kong
 Sheung Wan, 46 Sai Street, Hong Kong
Mon-Sat 11am-6.30pm (Public Holidays Closed)  
+852 28032333 
